Active Member
Bit of background: bought our rig in '09 in Texas and spent the next two years driving it all over the lower '48. Spring '11 headed north to Alaska from Georgia on a crazy, wild adventure following the music. (My cowboy is a Johnny Cash tribute artist/singer/etc.) We fled to Homer, AK at the end of that summer and spent the next two winters enjoying the worst winters in 50 years of recorded weather history.
Headed for the Interior the Spring of '13 thinking to go south. Made it as far as Tok where we spent the summer. Come fall knew we couldn't survive winter in the Interior in the rig. Bought a homestead and parked the rig next to the garage. It became an Airbnb hideaway one summer and spent the rest of its time as an extension of our home space.
Three winters ago, we were closing it up for the winter trying to beat the first snowfall when "somebody"
'nuff said.
We've taken it to a repair place in Tok hoping to get back on the road this summer. I need to order parts. Can anyone recommend the best way or "a way" for me to find out exactly what part I need. I've been all over the forum and done some searches for manuals, but I'm kinda working blindly. Any help, assistance, advice, directions would be carefully considered, appreciated, and used appropriately.
Final thought: After all these years, our Big Horn still looks great and feels like home. I can hear that old song echoing in my head......on the road....ah, you know what I mean!
SueJean (and DannyLee)