In our BH, there are 4 coax connections above the sewer connections. Going left to right if you want SAT in the living room, hook the coax to the #3 from the left (there is a diagram on the front wall of the box). Inside the coach at the receiver location there are two inbound coax connections (one labeled sat and one cable). Hook your SAT receiver input to the one labeled SAT. So I don't have to hook and disconnect each time, I went to Radio Shack and bought a 2 port HDMI switch ($20). Remove the HDMI output cable from the back of your surround sound and plug it in the output of the switch. Run a short HDMI patch cable from one input of the switch to the output of the surround sound. Now run a short HDMI patch cable to the output HDMI on the SAT receiver. To view SAT on the TV, change the input on your TV to HDMI #1, and set your HDMI switch accordingly. To watch over the air from your antenna, just change the input on the TV back to antenna (that simple). To watch a movie change your HDMI switch to the surround sound, and change your tv input to HDMI 1. I could have eliminated the switch by running a new HDMI cable to the TV (HDMI #2 input) but I didn't want to mess with pulling the cable.