Heartland Quality!
Hello All:
I have been very reluctant to post anything about my adventures and experiences with our Golden Gate.
To date I have had more than 10 problems with my trailer, 1 very serious and the others minor and all of them (including the serious one) I fixed myself.
I live too far away from the dealer to keep hauling it back and forth!
So, from LP Gas problems to Screws falling out, or missing, to plumbing ISSUES! I have seen the run of things on this trailer.
While some folks want to chalk all this up to Nothing is Perfect, I chalk it up to Poor, Poor Quality Control! These are all things that should have been caught at the Factory early on and the factory shouldn't expect the dealers to catch all this stuff.
I have Landmark #035, one of the early models! Yet, I continue to read that models coming off the line in both the Landmark and Big Horn series continue to have problems.
I could easily post everything that has gone wrong with my unit, but it wouldn't do any good, since it has already happened and doesn't really pay to bring it up.
I know Scott says he is only a phone call away and that customers are #1, but; I look at things from an economic stand point. 10 problems over 2000 miles??? We have only used the unit 5 times and all but 1 time, we had to look for a Wal-Mart or K-mart to find parts, like screws and hardware to fix the things that fell off or broke. So, when we go on our next outing, I always wonder what I'm gonna find broken in or on the trailer. The Warranty runs out in September and Heartland will be totally off the hook for #035! And to date, with the exception of a replacement hub cap (that fell off) and a new gas line and fitting, Heartland has paid for none of the repairs! So, I'm sure they will be glad to see this warranty expire!
Jim and I started this Forum as a point of information. We were both excited to own Landmarks. I have since changed my mind totally about these trailers. And I'll leave it at that!
While some people may buy a new Heartland and have no problems at all, there will be those who purchase them and have nothing but problems, like #035.
Sorry to be so long winded, but it's very hard to just sit back and not say anything, while others seemingly like to spread Whipped Cream all over Heartland Products. It just isn't the case. And while I know there are over 600 units out there right now, we only have 160 members on this board, that leaves alot of other folks that are not members who have Heartland products, not saying anything about their units and it makes me wonder!
Scott already knows how I feel about my unit and I'll avoid using the "Colorful Adjectives", I've used in the past with him.
I just had to get this off my chest.
Thanks to all that have read this post.
Take Care.