Slide on North Trail 21 FBS


Active Member
Hoping to buy a 21 FBS when my ALiner sells. Was wondering about the actuating unit for the slide. Is it a cable-assisted slide mechanism or does it use a hydraulic pump to turn a screw drive?


Ed W.
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Active Member
I appreciate all the replies (interesting that this is the "ask the factory" section and no replies from the factory). Hope to have my trailer by this weekend if all goes well.

Ed W.


The nice thing about Heartland and its following is that most of owners on here know as much as I do about our trailers......I read the messages and responses and to be honest, i couldn't have answered any better.......So rest assured, the answers were right on.....

Mike C


Active Member

When we were at the factory a few weeks ago, the guy who walked us through said Hearrtland built their own slides - not Norco. They said that was also the reason we wouldn't have to wait too long to get a new floor for our slide because they could take it from the slide assembly line instead of waiting for a part from a slide supplier. Are the slides for the North Trail built in-house or furnished assembled by someone else? It doesn't matter either way, just curious.



Norco provides us with the mechanism and we build the slide box and then install Norcos motor and brackets and gears........So to answer your question, Heartland builds the roof,floor,and sidewalls of the slide room assembles it in house and then adds the motor from Norco..


I noticed on my 31 QBS that the bottom rear corner does not seem to close as flush to the exterior wall as the rest of the bottom edge. Is there a way to adjust this? I had it in for warranty service over the winter to have the vinyl flooring replaced. I'm wondering if they had to touch the slide to install the vinyl floor under it?