Original Owners Club Member
This is probably not the place for this but I needed to let my Heartland friends know. Yesterday I had an Upper GI Endoscope. The doctor came back with the news that he found a tumor at the lower end of the Esophagus where it joins the stomach. He said he took a biopsy and would know if it is cancer in a couple of days. He advised me I would need major surgery to remove the tumor and said that surgery would require at least a week in the hospital (YIKES). He is currently working on finding a Thoracic Surgeon to take care of the problem. So that is all we know right now. I just wanted to let my Heartland friends know if they are into prayers we could sure use some now. All I can do is deal with the hand I have and put it in the Good Lord's hands. Thank you in advance for your prayers and thoughts and if I disappear for awhile you will know why. My doctor said this needs to be taken care of right away. Incidentally, now I know why I have been having trouble swallowing.