Original Owners Club Member
Well, with all the current TV commercials for quitting smoking I have made a deal with the DH. He thinks it's a safe bet and isn't going to cost him a dime.
I'm going to quit smoking cold turkey on January 1st. I get a $1000.00 shopping spree after one year of my new life! Dangling money under my nose may help because I've tried everything else. Here's where you all come in.
Please check in on my progress and support my efforts to become a non-smoker! If anyone else would like to take the challenge let me know and maybe we can form our own support group.
Heartland changed my life once already and just may help to change it again! LET'S DO IT!
I know you can do it. I quit cold turkey 18 1/2 years ago. Once you have made up you mind to do it YES YOU CAN. Good luck and hang in there. Once you have joined the ranks of the non-smokers you will realize what a disgusting habit it is. Hang around MD Anderson Cancer Hospital a few days seeing all of the people dealing with cancer and every time you want a cigarette you can think about those images and the urge goes away. Good luck....BTW don't make it a New Years resolution, make it a New Year's promise.