thank you everyone who offered help


Hi, I am so impressed and grateful for everyone on this site who has offered me advice and their help. Floyd in Las Vegas actually offered to look at the Greystone 29MK with me. I left Floyd a voice mail this morning telling him that I cancelled the pending deal there after noticing in the online pictures that a cabinet door was missing and glass missing in another cabinet door. Now I know I'm going to have to buy a Heartland so that I can meet up with all you great people. Kindness matters. "People will forget what you said and what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel" Maya Angelou.
thanks to all of you who helped me here.
I'm still looking if you know of anyone thinking of moving up to a bigger trailer.
Marilyn Waldron


Hi mimi77,

Keep us informed as to what is happening and Heartlander's will always try to help when needed.

Hope you find a Heartland unit you will connect with... check out the dealers in your area.

Jim M