Aw Dave, Just got the wife talked into a $300 Mossberg. Don't think she'll go for $800.
Got a chuckle out of me, I'm always the one trying to get DH to spend a bit more on 'home defense' (SPAS 15 when they are legal to buy is my dream, spent $700 on a SPAS 10 & 12). The Moss 500 is fine for me right now, 6 shells loaded are enough to get the job done and you only need to be able to hit the broad side of a barn to be effective. Prefer the 1lb more weight for recoil reduction and swap barrels and grips for hunting, fun and defense though haven't had to use it for the latter part and hope it never comes to that.
Had our local Sheriff comment on my load sequence, he thought it was great (amused the heck out of me!). I was raised with the difference between hunting and defense: shot, slug x4, shot for defense. When he asked I told him the scatter even at 50' or more is usually enough to chase someone off and if that doesn't work and you get buck fever, the last round with shot is going to be close range and do the job you'll need it to.
I guess one has to be strange enough to stay smart - at least that's what Grandpa used to say