Last I read The Governor .410 loads are 2 1/2 inch loads. I snake country I prefer the extra shot with the 3" loads I can use in The Judge. Both are versatile and pack a great punch at close range.
It would be irresponsible to take your family on a trip such as we all do and not have a firearm to protect them.
That is just my opinion. As was said early on...anyone who would look to do harm to my family deserves exactly what they get.
The fact that many if not most folks do have some type protection does help deter would be robbers and muggers. Having your 44 along when in the outback is something most of us do and has to again help keep some one from making a poor decision. There is a reason that the serious crime rates are higher where most folks are unarmed.How many folks have actually needed a fire arm for their RV while camping? I have Camped for the last 50 years and have never felt the need for protection. However I do carry a 44 mag pistol while fishing in the back woods to scare cougars or bears off when they feel I am invading their turf.