Water Problem with New 26SRL


We took delivery of a new 26SRL last week. Loved everything about the TT and were excited to get it home after waiting nearly a month after we made our decision. When we got home, which is about a 90 minute drive, we stopped in front of our house and noticed water leaking. Not just a little, but a lot of water leaking from all four sides of the corrugated underliner. We called the dealer and the only idea they had was that the tank was too full. Well that was unlikely as the PDI guy told us he had only added a little water to show us how things work, and the gauges showed essentially empty. But we let it sit overnight and it eventually stopped. We added more water in the morning, and then drove for about 30 minutes. Once again when we stopped water was pouring out of every corner of the liner. We have since returned the trailer to be looked at, but i'm wondering if anyone has seen this or might have ideas as to what happened?:confused:

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
cocaseco, The first thing that comes to mind is a water line may have come off of the fresh water tank. I assume this is what you are referring to when you say you added more water. Hopefully your dealer will be able to resolve the problem without too much inconvenience to you.


We had the same problem as ours when it was brought to our campsite, the fresh water tank leaked, they hemmed and hawwed about it saying it was this valve and that hose. Finally they came back to it back to the dealer, it was actually the tank itself was leaking and had to be replaced with a new one from the manufactuer..Insist they install a new one..