What's the best cargo storage tip or mod you have done?


Active Member
Put new locks on all outside entrys any reliable locksmith could probably fix you up.


Well-known member
Nothing is going to keep a thief with an objective out. But, if you dont care what it looks like a hasp and a padlock would probably work the best. A neighbor at the storage lot had all his rigged up that way.


Well-known member
Most campers would never dream of stealing from other peoples Rvs but theres always that chance. The locks only keep the honest people out and they will never know you have them locked anyway. Most of the people with tents and pop ups have so much stuff sitting out the thieves will probably hit them first. Try not to think about it and have fun out there.


Well-known member
After doing a bit of measuring I'll probably make a slide out like I have for my Jeep then put a rail over it like Jim B. did, the containers now are lower profile with as much space so its going to work - or I'll make it work.
The advantage to a low profile slide out under the rail is you can keep all your tools in it, snap over locked so they don't go helter skelter while rolling down the road. Cheap carpet liner soaks up any grease or oil and keeps the basement clean.


Well-known member
Not sure if your unit has inside steps that open? We have a BH 3670 and the steps inside did not open. I put hinges on them and now a good place to put shoes when you come in the door. Also, was thinking of some sort of shelfing in the compartmant under the pin, but have not got to it yet.