How about a Crossbow? Is that allowed in Canada?
We are not allowed to carry ANYTHING for the purpose of self defense against another human being in Canada. But, we are allowed to use anything at hand to defend our lives in a self defense situation. The logic of this is twisted.
As an example if I'm carrying a baseball bat down the street and a cop stops me and asks why I'm carrying a bat and I say "This is a bad part of town and I'm carrying it just in case." He can arrest me for carrying a weapon. BUT:
If he stops me and I say "I'm on my way to a baseball game." Then he can't arrest me. Now, if I have to use the bat in a self defense situation then as long as I can articulate to the Judge that I was in fear of death or serious bodily harm then I'm all good.
This works with ANYTHING. Keys in your hand, knife in your pocket, or anything else that you are carrying around.