White Plastic Door Latch


We just purchased an 18' Edge. We seem to be having difficulty with the white plastic
"L-shaped" door latch attached to the outside of the trailer. It's function is to hold the exterior door in a "fixed" open position, to prevent the door from swinging closed, or too far open, in a breeze and potentially smashing against (if you have the window open) the window by the kitchen sink. It has ripped off twice now, in the mildest of breezes. We are wondering if anyone else has this problem, and what they have done to fix or replace the obviously inadequate piece of plastic? CAB


Active Member
Ours didn't come with one and I was going to buy a plastic one - but after your post I think I now might look into having a local machine shop build me a similar one out of stainless steel.


Well-known member
One Solution
Two more ideas

Edge models built more recently have gas struts to hold the door open. +++ for Heartland responding to owners!


One Solution
Two more ideas

Edge models built more recently have gas struts to hold the door open. +++ for Heartland responding to owners!

Great news. We bought our M18 last year and would like to install this (gas struts) on ours -- does anyone have a picture?


Active Member
I don't think you can add them aftermarket. I believe Heartland has to add extra internal supports for the mechanism at build time.


Well-known member
Cab, A couple of TT's ago we had a similair problem. We ended up using a bungee cord, it worked fine. A word of caution about bungee cords. My wife works with a guy who has one eye now, thanks to a bungee cord putting the other one out. Sorry for the gruesome story, better ya know then find out. Tom