

Well-known member
I just glanced at my weather station (in NC) and it's 14 degrees, wind chill 0. A little breezy tonight, supposed to drop to 6-8 degrees, WC of -5 to -10.


Past North Carolina Chapter Leader
ct0218 said:
I just glanced at my weather station (in NC) and it's 14 degrees, wind chill 0. A little breezy tonight, supposed to drop to 6-8 degrees, WC of -5 to -10.
Clark, we have a cold wind here tonight with some wind snow. Any snow there. Stay warm. I will be glad when warmer weather gets here. Stay warm and safe. Terry


Well-known member
It's been snowing all day, but just light flurries. Low humidity at this elevation today--only 68% now, and light snow. 10 deg, -2 WC at 9:30PM


I winterized my rig today. Backed it into the drive, chocked the wheels, unhooked, done! It was 69* but with the wind chill felt like 68* in San Diego FEB 25 :p .

I know, I know. Just mean...


Active Member
What happens when the 12v pump doesn't pull water from the gallon of antifreeze? I can't get it to prime with the valve turned to do so. I may have missed something. The pump is running but it won't pull the pink stuff in.


Well-known member
My BH also has a valve in the line from the tank to the pump that needs to be closed also or the pump just sucks air. In short, to winterize I have the three hot water heater bypass valves, one valve between tank and pump (close it), and one valve on antifreeze pickup tube (open it).


Active Member
OK... so here's the scoop...

I pulled the access panel behind the water center and found the pump. I also found this random hose that hooked to the pump but didn't really go anywhere else so I started pulling. Lo and behold there was my winterization hose behind that panel. Apparently the hole that the dealer pointed to when we were discussing winterization is the hose hookup for the black water flush. I have an external valve to turn to winterize but I didn't have an external hose to put in the antifreeze. I put the hose in the jug and everything worked exactly like it was supposed to. Only took a little over 2 gallons to get the entire system including the washer and dryer prep. I had most of the water out anyway as it turns out.

I will extend this hose and put it so I can easily get to it in the future. I am going to leave the panel off to show the dealer tomorrow when I go back for some warranty work so he knows too. I had everything right except the port for the antifreze.

To their defense. This is only the 3rd cyclone that they have had on their lot and the first one of this model. They haven't had to winterize any of them yet because they have been coming from the factory winterized already so I can't fault them. I just hope I didn't damage the pump while I was learning. (Brand new dealership)

What I didn't particularly like finding was that the city water connection wasn't screwed on tightly. Fortunately it hasn't been hooked to city water since I picked it up last week so there wasn't any water damage and it was found quickly.

Thank you very much for your help.
