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  1. C

    New 3685RL Entertainment System

    We got the early "11" and it came with a Samsung surround sound receiver and a Sharp TV. Wish it had a Samsung TV as we have all Samsung components at home and it works out great with same remote. But, I guess I am a lot better off than you folks with the later models.
  2. C

    Can I post here anymore?

    They told us 8 weeks and at 5 1/2 the dealer called and said it was in. Bet yours will be too at this time of the year.
  3. C

    Samsung Surround Sound

    Re: Samsung Surround a Sound Mine isn't the greatest either. Did you hook up that puck that comes with it to set the speakers? Didn't quite figure out what that was all about but you could hear the speakers going in sequence. I'm just happy I got a Samsung instead of that built in unit they...
  4. C

    solid surface counters

    Dark counters. I really think they would look better if they were sanded with some fine sand paper or steel wool. Wouldnt have to worry about scratches. Actually I could care less but Renee likes 'em scratch free.
  5. C

    Black Tank Flush Vacuum Breaker Check Valve

    If our vacuum breaker starts leaking I will just eliminate it with a coupler. Our hose fitting in the UDC doesn't have a check valve and always leaks out water until it drains from the vacuum breaker down to the hose fitting. I may put a check valve there.
  6. C

    ATF: Bighorn - Confused regarding model Year

    Ours has been an "11" for two years. The DMV didnt discount the license fees the second year cause they said it was still new.
  7. C

    Barrel Door will not stay shut

    Ours has never come open but we never load it with anything but chips and other light items. I see they have quit putting the barrel door in, a giant step backwards. Looks kinda naked with out it. A simple hook latch would have fixed a simple problem.
  8. C

    Hip replacement surgery

    Had my right one replaced about 20 years ago and then again about 6 years ago because it was bothering me. Well low and behold the new one started popping when I straighten up. You can hear it snap clear across the room. Not a happy guy and really don't want to do it a third time.
  9. C

    solid surface counters

    Trace you got the later "11" lighter colored stuff. Ours is the darker. Would think the light would be a lot better for not showing scratches. Could be why they went with lighter.
  10. C

    solid surface counters

    We had Corian in our "06" Bighorn (you can tell Corian because they always imbed a nickle size emblem in surface) Have Hanex in the new one. I think Hanex is molded over a sheet of wood making it more break resistant in trailers. As far as finish I have seen no difference in the way the two...
  11. C

    Pocket doors.

    Was thinking you cant stop it all from coming in but thought that I might put one or two of those room fragrance things in the basement.
  12. C

    Slide toppers

    Yes. I partially fill with my portable air compressor then stuff it in the opening, then fill it the rest of the way up. Completely stopped the noise and water puddles. I just install it on long stays.
  13. C

    Heartland Marking First Anniversary With Thor

    When we purchased our first Bighorn in "06" the dealer mentioned that Thor was most likely going to go after Heartland. He didnt seem to pleased at the idea. I think it was just scare tactics and rumors that made lots of folks dubious of the transition. Cant see where it hurt us as customers...
  14. C

    Slide toppers

    Cant imagine sliding in bird poop, ice, water without them. We were is snow once and the neighbor had to shovel off his slide before he pulled them in. Just brought ours in and snow rolled off the end. The long slide topper makes some noise when the wind blows so I put an Air Wedge under it if...
  15. C

    Exploding Bugs

    Just to add. That Tempo is absolutely the best thing for ants. Seems forever before they come back to where you sprayed.
  16. C

    Back in La Paz, Mx for the winter

    How much problems to you have getting Rocky in MX?
  17. C

    Get Me Out Here

    We got 12.5 inches a few days ago. Town looks like a war zone with broken trees and down power lines. 2 months before we head the AZ for 3 months. Might have to re-think and get the heck out of here early.
  18. C

    Pocket doors.

    If your kitchen cabinet attaches to an inside wall you might also remove some drawers or look to see if some wiring or plumbing come through. I could feel air coming through ours. I pulled a row of drawers and there was about a 2X3 foot hole in the wall for wiring and plumbing. I got some...
  19. C

    Pocket doors.

    Good ideas! I thought about pushing some foam into the space, But foam pipe or noodles sound cheap and easy. If I can recall the wall isn't paneled back there so I don't know if those would be thick enough. Thats the trouble with having to put your stuff in storage, only allowed 48 hours to have...
  20. C

    Pocket doors.

    I didnt figure out why they started using regular doors on the bathroom. Looked like they would be a PITA in the small living place. Think I figured out why. I notice when the Fantastic fans where on I could smell a slight odor coming around the bath room. Then I felt air coming out of the...
  21. C

    What do you think?

    I notice that a few things that folks were complaining about of this forum got changed so at least Heartland is listening.
  22. C

    No longer full timing!

    Wow! Checked the housing market around there. Great homes on an acreage for less than 140. We are always looking for ways to get out of CO. (dont know why folks like it here) We are looking at places in southern UT as they have some good deals also. Whats the weather like in GA. High humidity?
  23. C

    $5.50 charge for Canadians to enter U.S

    Well according to the new "administration" There aint no new taxes. But they sure stuck a few new "fees" up our Yang yangs! Not even going to go into what it cost to put plates on our BH compared to two years ago!
  24. C

    Bed room shelf ideas?

    I liked the over headboard idea but ours has that big arch and it wouldnt work out to well. I was going to make some sort of shelf with pockets to hook into the bathroom wall but have to worry about the sliding door and bringing the slides in.
  25. C

    Bed room shelf ideas?

    We have the king which leaves little room for a night stand. My side of the bed has a small shelf for a book and TV remote. Renee would like some kind of shelf on her side. With the lay out of our bedroom it would have to be something removable for when you bring the slide in. Any ideas, pics?
  26. C

    Best Tires for tow vehicle?

    Got Michilens on both out pickups. Thats all the will ever go on ever. My dad has a Cadillac that he put on Toyo about 3 years ago. Every time I ride with him I ask him when he is going to get rid of those tires. Sure didnt sound or ride like a Caddy. He was going to buy a new Caddy but decided...
  27. C

    Travel Plans to Hawaii

    I think that bridge is being built according to an email I received a couple of days ago. > > > A man on his Harley was riding along a California beach when > > > suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, God said, > > > “ Because you have tried to be...
  28. C

    New Generator storage box

    How about a pic of that box? I have a Kipor KG3500 that is similar in size to yours.
  29. C

    First trip back to the dealer - no brakes

    Sorry for the late reply, but just had carpel tunnel surgery and was away from the putor a couple of days. I have the prodigy and heard on the other forum that un plugging the controller for for awhile bleeds the capacitor and resets the controller. Like i said I dont know how much truth there...
  30. C

    First trip back to the dealer - no brakes

    We cleaned the brakes and magnets. All seals had failed and I have never greased it before. Took it home and it didnt seem to be much better. Re-did the burn in procedure and they got a little better but by then they were pretty hot. Took the trailer up to the WY spot and the brake seem to be...
  31. C

    Well....The Elephant Finally Wins!

    Best of luck! I had my right hip replaced twice. Now this sucker is popping and snapping. I dont even want to think about doing it again!
  32. C

    The "Red Bikes Rule" Thread

    My candy red and black Fatty.
  33. C

    N Scale Model Railroad Build

    Where can I get the wire with the connector for this track. The guy cut the connector off my transformer wire.
  34. C

    First trip back to the dealer - no brakes

    Well, took it back to the indy today and found out when they rewired the controller it would work on the manual lever but no brakes with the pedal. Found a bad ground in the wiring (stinking scotch connectors!) Found out there was no power to the brake controler (blue wire) Fixed that and took...
  35. C

    N Scale Model Railroad Build

    I gotta choo choo! Neigbor had a garage sale and I went over. Bought this N scale stuff for $10. Its appears to be all Bachman. Good starter stuff for a guy that doesnt no poop about railroading. He had 3 boxes full of HO stuff for $75 and didnt sell it. Bet ya I could make a fortune on eBay...
  36. C

    Dish - Direct TV dishes

    I thought when you bought a Winguard HD dish you had to specify Direct or Dish. :confused:
  37. C

    First trip back to the dealer - no brakes

    Yeah, had it at an independent dealer to check them out . drums out of round. No grease on the shoes. Oh, dealer said he pulled the safety pin and the brakes locked up (in the shop)
  38. C

    First trip back to the dealer - no brakes

    At the dealer for 2 weeks. Said they could find nothing wrong with the brakes. Locked up after pulling the safety pin and their tow motor system stopped it good. Took my truck over and they put their test box on my cable hook up and I could see it was not working with the controller. The found...
  39. C

    First trip back to the dealer - no brakes

    Ya know I had a 1950 Olds that you had to lie on your back and adjust the brakes, then a 54 Chevy, then a 56 Ford. Finally I got a car you just let the brakes do there own thing. I kinda thought that maybe by now you could step on your brakes and stop a trailer without having to jump through a...
  40. C

    First trip back to the dealer - no brakes

    How much voltage should I show at the Trailer plug-in? The controller says I have 13+ volts at full braking with the hand control. How much drop can be expected back at the brakes?