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  1. alex00

    Hitch Ajustment

    The ride in my truck is noticeably better when the air bags are filled properly. Even if I didn't need them for leveling, I would get them for the ride.
  2. alex00

    Ram 3500 Factory Air Suspension

    I'm beginning to think the air suspension will be a 2015 option. They shut down production in July to retool the factory, so even if they started cranking them out today they get a three month run of air suspension.
  3. alex00

    Is there something wrong with "what's new" button?

    One more endorsement of Tapatalk. So much easier to use on the tablet and phone than the browser. You miss little things like where someone is from, and what rig they have, but if I really need to know I can look at the browser version of the forum. Glad the new posts button is working...
  4. alex00

    I Took Delivery Yesterday - Cyclone 4000

    They are Mocha, a nice dark brown.
  5. alex00

    ATF: Cyclone - Garage Warning Sticker Near Bunks

    What exactly does this warning sticker mean? It says death or serious injury may occur if sleeping in this area. The problem is, it is right next to the bunks. Is it a warning to stay away from the lifting mechanism, or does it mean it is not safe to sleep in the garage (on the two queen...
  6. alex00

    I Took Delivery Yesterday - Cyclone 4000

    Hi Hippy. Mine has one electric recliner next to the TV, a manual one on the removable part, and a manual one in the love seat across the living room. Pretty cool set up.
  7. alex00

    Rear bunk bed

    Here's the weird part. I just picked up my Cyclone two days ago, thinking it wouldn't come with a ladder. There was a garage bunk ladder. I wonder why mine came with one, but I am certainly not complaining.
  8. alex00

    I Took Delivery Yesterday - Cyclone 4000

    I have not. I'm still waiting to hear back from the service rep. As far as I can tell they are the same couches as the other cyclones but this one splits. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
  9. alex00

    TV mount backer plates

    Depending on how much time you have before you need to install, you can contact Heartland customer service. I called and asked for a schematic drawing of the area I wanted to mount the TV. The sales manager emailed me drawings of the walls within a few hours. I'm not sure on the depths of the...
  10. alex00

    Is there something wrong with "what's new" button?

    I get that from time to time. I use Tapatalk on my phone and tablet, and regular old chrome on my laptop. I just assume the phone and tablet don't log me out, so the forum thinks those posts aren't new. Do you visit the forum on multiple devices? I might start trying that way, too. Ever...
  11. alex00

    I Took Delivery Yesterday - Cyclone 4000

    Thank you Al. I'm digging the way the gray goes with the trailer too.
  12. alex00

    Newbie help

    I was told by my dealer that the weight limit on the deck was 1500 pounds. That's five people the size of your governor, and no way you're getting that many people on the deck. I can't remember where I saw it, but I think I saw an older add for the 4100 that had a gaggle of people on the deck...
  13. alex00

    Slide out Jacks-Do or Don't

    I would say no to the slide out supports. There are several reasons, but the big ones are, they are not necessary, and they could damage your unit. Slides get all the support they need from the frame and components. It seems weird at first, but after a few minutes, you'll realize it is as...
  14. alex00

    One key fits all.....

    Since my trailer has two entry doors, and neither is keyed alike, I am seriously considering going this route. I'm just afraid of ruining my perfect streak of always putting the wrong key in the lock first. I'm torn between the keyless entry lock, and this setup. It's too bad I can't get the...
  15. alex00

    I Took Delivery Yesterday - Cyclone 4000

    It sure does. We both love Oregon. A rally sounds like a pretty good excuse to head up that way.
  16. alex00

    I Took Delivery Yesterday - Cyclone 4000

    Thanks Doc, and I was sorry to read about you having to sell yours. I'm glad you are still around the forum.
  17. alex00

    Ordered our Grand Canyon today

    Having just taken delivery yesterday of my factory order, I completely feel for you in this coming period. The good news is that getting exactly what you wanted is worth the wait. All the local trailers were missing something I really wanted. You know how it is. Use this time to pay attention...
  18. alex00

    I Took Delivery Yesterday - Cyclone 4000

    Thanks everyone. I've been given a list of honey-do's before starting ANY mods (including solar). I think technically I can install the parts already ordered, I just need to read her fine print. hahahah. We have a bunch of house projects left over that I never got around to. Now that I have...
  19. alex00


    Just a few more trees and it'll be a straight shot! I absolutely love my floor plan. I'm glad you found a trailer you liked, your brand sure got the fireplace surround right. That was a major draw for me. I like that faux stone a lot.
  20. alex00

    Ram 3500 Factory Air Suspension

    The way I see it, if the factory option was available, I probably would have done it. I really just didn't want to wait anymore. The added functionality is that I can use my on board air for air tools and filling tires. You can add on-board air for $350, or find a way to tap the air tank in...
  21. alex00


    It's not even lunch time and your pics are making me drool. Thanks! HAHA. Is that the 3895? My sister in law has the 3800 and loves it. I considered the 3970 but the Cyclone 4000 kept drawing me back.
  22. alex00

    Leveling a 5th Wheel

    My last coach had the legs like yours. I would carry pads cut from a 2x6 for the front legs. Depending on the site level, one board under one side would usually allow both to touch at the same time. I was pretty adamant about both legs touching at the same time, otherwise it would throw the...
  23. alex00

    Happy Camper

    Congratulations! That's a great looking trailer. I love the LEDs in the awning. What a great view of the water in that photo. Looks like my kind of camping.
  24. alex00

    I Took Delivery Yesterday - Cyclone 4000

    After waiting what seemed like an eternity (9 weeks) I took delivery yesterday on my 4000. I ordered it in January, they built it in February, then the weather refused to cooperate. My wife kept making fun of me at the dealership, apparently I was pretty excited. We did the PDI walk through...
  25. alex00

    Ram 3500 Factory Air Suspension

    We are pretty close to the order point. They should be starting production in about a week. I understand it's going to be about a $1600 option. They use one leaf spring and rely on the air to carry all the load. It is supposed to be a very soft ride. Having put just over 1200 miles on my 14 3500...
  26. alex00

    Shopping for Tow Vehicle for Bighorn 3610RE - Help ! SRW vs DRW

    That Generation of GM trucks is my favorite. You've got a great rig!
  27. alex00

    Ordered a 4200 today

    Hopefully weather won't be a factor for you. They had my trailer built and ready a month after I ordered it, but the big snow storms caused major shipping delays. Good luck with your wait. I wish I could offer advice on how to be patient, but I've got nothing... hahaa
  28. alex00

    A little solar advice

    I cannot speak to the OP's particular setup, but the way I have seen it done using the vent is to drop into the actual vent tube. Inside the basement, you place a tee union in the pipe and fish the wire out of the tee. it saves you having to drill into the roof, but only works if your plumbing...
  29. alex00

    Defective Tail light

    This is exactly what I was hoping to hear. Thank you, Jim, for tackling this matter so quickly. Another big tick on the pro column for Heartland. Try getting answers this quickly to this type of question from any other manufacturer.
  30. alex00

    Shopping for Tow Vehicle for Bighorn 3610RE - Help ! SRW vs DRW

    To me, 4x4 is just like any other safety feature on the rig. Are seatbelts and airbags necessary? Only if you crash. I would much rather have the security of 4x4 for the two or three times I've "needed" it. It also comes in handy for taking trips to the snow. Don't forget about resale value...
  31. alex00

    Defective Tail light

    I saw that... I wonder what is going on. Hopefully, just confusion.
  32. alex00

    Defective Tail light

    It would be nice to hear from a Heartland Rep if this is a new policy. One of the deciding factors in choosing Heartland was the ability to have warranty parts sent to me instead of waiting six weeks at a dealer for them to repair a broken light. I will be sorely disappointed if this is...
  33. alex00

    RV Lock keyed to OEM?

    Thank you for the reply. I really like the new design with integrated keypad. I'll be picking one up soon. I've gone down to the trailer too many times, forgetting to bring the key.
  34. alex00

    RV Lock keyed to OEM?

    My coach has two entrance doors, front and rear. I would like to add a v4.0 RV Lock on the front, but have the rear door keyed alike. Will I need the Mechanical Handle, or can I key the RV Lock and remaining OEM lock alike? Thank you!
  35. alex00

    State to State Requirement - When Towing - Any?

    Utah will not. According to the flow chart, it is based on the GVWR of the power unit. Then Hazardous materials, then passengers. You'd be good in Utah with a normal "car" license. Oregon didn't make it clear on the DMV website. They require an A license for any combination over 26K, but I...
  36. alex00

    5th Wheel hitch

    I used the Reese adapter and a Curt Q24 hitch. I am coming from a B&W Companion in my old tow vehicle, and am very happy with the Reese/Curt combo. There was talk in another thread that Ram is redesigning the mounting holes, and that the Reese adapter may become obsolete. I just hope if that...
  37. alex00

    Shopping for Tow Vehicle for Bighorn 3610RE - Help ! SRW vs DRW

    Go for the DRW. All things being equal on the truck (cab, bed length, wheelbase) the DRW version won't be any less maneuverable. The times I have had any difficulty was because of my length. The width of the rear fenders rarely ever comes into play. When it comes to parking, since the wide...
  38. alex00

    Ordered a Cyclone 4000 Today

    The dealer left a message for me on Thursday that the trailer was enroute, and due for arrival any day. The dealership finance department called me on Monday. When I called back Tuesday I got the news my trailer is HERE!!! I made an appointment to do the PDI on Sunday. This should work out...
  39. alex00

    "CURT" Fifth Wheel Hitches ?

    I have a Curt Q24 because my old B&W Companion wouldn't work with the 5th wheel prep on my new Ram. I have been very happy with the Curt. I can't really say the Curt is better or worse than the Companion. They both hitch up easily, come out of the truck in multiple parts and appear very...
  40. alex00

    B&W slider or stationary???????

    When I first shopped for a new truck I was looking hard at the mega cab Ram. I had the same debate as you, and decided the $1000 was worth it for the 'automatic' sliding hitch. I knew that I would someday be lazy, forgetful, or downright wrong about my ability to make the turn without engaging...