Today is Sunday. Another productive day here yesterday by the rally core team.
Dave and Kevin's teams got all the rally bags loaded into the check-in trailer (a Big Country loaned to us by Great Lakes RV), then got the trailer moved into position.
Kevin's team spent the day marking out sites.
I ran a few more errands around town, then late in the afternoon, had a meeting with co-wagonmaster Terry H. Dan M and Julie happened to stop by and joined in the meeting too. Terry and I did a complete end-to-end walk through of the pre-rally and rally, making sure we had all bases covered. We each came away with a page of action items.
A couple more coaches rolled in yesterday. A large group went out for Chinese food last night. We stayed in and had left-overs.
Also, Bubba made an appearance. He was looking for Charlene. We took him around the DRV rally so he could meet the folks. He didn't find Charlene. I think he was happy about that. If you haven't heard about or met Bubba - you will!