2014 cyclone 4000 satellite wiring


I just got our 2014 Cyclone 4000 set up and I am having trouble setting up my satellite. I have the receiver set up in the bedroom and can't get any feed from the receiver to the dish. I have a dish network 2 room system. The dish technician hooked up my previous trailer after I got frustrated and threw in the towel, I tried hooking up the same way with no luck. I want the bedroom to be TV-1 and the living room and garage to be TV-2. What is the best way to achieve this without dismantling a brand new rv tracing cables? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
Hi cosborne,

Congratulations on the new Cyclone and welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum.

With satellite, step 1 is always get it working with a direct connection between dish and receiver, and between receiver and TV. Then hook up using the trailer wiring.

I'm not sure what the satellite wiring is like on the 4000. On some Big Country, Bighorn, and Landmark models, you have to move a coax jumper in the bedroom closet to choose what goes to the TV; satellite or cable/antenna. If you have a single coax connector at the TV, you'll likely have that type of setup in the closet.

Hopefully another 4000 owner will chime in with additional information.