Seems like the new concept lost direction somewhere and then things like a large window in the bedroom got added equalling less bedroom insulation, just saying. I think the living area looks nice in the pictures but not sure why the bar/eating wall is slammed up next to the glass sliding door? I believe the living area looks even tighter without a sliding glass door to the garage. Im just wondering with the two upright cabinets in the main slide like the road warrior are they mixing up the Cyclone and the Road Warrior, confusing. Two patios very nice, again think it would of made more sense to run it off the garge to allow more options in loading and unloading, not to mention a slide could have been on the kitchen. If this unit is as long as some say with only 2 slides, Im scratching my head...I am sure it will work for some and I give the fellas credit for something new. I just wanted some simple changes to the existing units like 12 ' garage with king bed in the 4110, window in kitchen stove area to brighten up things, to dark for the wife and lack of cabinets. Pick it up design team, folks are paying attention to your rival they are listening to their customers and it shows....just saying.