By the by . . . as some may know I was a newspaper photographer in a previous life and now sell cameras for a living.
And I will be giving a photography class at the Mountaindale Rally for those that are interested.
I did one down at the Tucson Rodeo Rally in February 2016 and had over 30 in attendance and everyone said they learned at least one thing they didn't know about their digital cameras.
I covered both point & shoot and DSLR's (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras . . . and will also cover mirrorless cameras as well!
What is a mirrorless camera?
Come to my class and you'll find out . . .
Personally, I have 17 digital cameras . . . six of them interchangable lens cameras and two of them are mirrorless (I was using my two mirrorless cameras at Buena Vista) . . .
Heck . . . I'll even cover cell phone cameras if need be!
Since I sell cameras in my current life I am familiar with most all brands and models and can help you learn what all of those buttons, knobs and dials are all about.
Plus . . . a lot of photo techniques as well.
Let me know here if you are interested and what camera(s) you have, plus any questions you may have as well.
My goal is to at least give you one thing to make your photos better . . .
Here are some random photos of mine just to get you thinking . . .