Big Announcements for Williston Rally;
It's time to start laying out more details for This rally. First off at Tampa, I met the new owner of Weigh-It. This is a portable scale service that would like to come to Rally and weigh coaches for the group. He would be set up before rally and you could get your weight before you set up. This is a really cool service, especially since you could get it done before set up. If anyone is interested I need to know pretty soon so we can make arrangements. The cost is $50 for 5th wheels. He is also interested in giving a seminar on tires, weight in our coaches, and related safety issues. For those of you who haven't had this done before or on current coach, this is a big safety issue, and one of the biggest causes of tire failure, spring and suspension problems, and handling problems. I would really encourage everyone to know your weight. Florida Randy had this gentleman do his rig the other day and he can probably vouch for the service. If there is not much interest we may not invite him.
Also Troy from Mobile Outfitters is coming to the Rally on Saturday to give a seminar/discussion on what services they offer. Mobile Outfitters is the Lippert Mobile Group that can install level up systems, pin boxes, brake systems, suspension systems, safety systems, ect. We are fortunate enough to have them there, and if you have any questions about your level up system, or want to have one installed these are the gurus.
Next...Since we are having a pot luck dinner on Friday night we need to get some idea on what people would like to bring. Just drop me a note and I'll post on the main page, post # 1, so there won't be a lot of dups. OK it that note; we have a catered BBQ dinner Saturday night. I would like to have the left over deserts from Friday night to be served Saturday night as well. You ladies make some of the best deserts and we usually have enough for Saturday night as well, so don't throw them away!!!