Activities for during the rally...
I need to let them know soon how many people will want to do this. Please post or email me ASAP with your answer.
The number 1 most requested rally activity was a boat tour of Coos Bay. I have gotten the information so...

The tour is about 2 hrs long. We need a minimum of 20 people to reserve our spot and weekend spots book up FAST. Cost is about
$30 per person. The first 24 people can get on the shuttle the casino will provide since the boat leaves from Charleston about 20 min from the campground. If we have more people, that is fine, but they would drive themselves.
Do we have at least 20 people who want to take this tour? Vote yea or nay either here or by email so I can let our event planner know and she can make our reservation.

Golf was the second highest in the survey. Our welcome bags from the casino will have several goodies, but there will be special green fees for a couple of the courses. You will call and make your own tee time reservations and provide your own transportation.
i don't know what else we might come up with that doesn't duplicate something offered during the Jamboree, but we are still checking a couple of things.

If you are thinking about coming to the rally but haven't made reservations yet, let me know you are considering joining us. We are not full yet, but July is closer than you think, especially if you plan to go to the Regional Rally over the 4th. You could leave Sparks, NV with a couple of others who are planning to do that and have your own caravan to Oregon for this rally and continue on to WA with us in another caravan. Doesn't that sound like fun!
Happy Spring!
PS if you want sweatshirts, let me know.