Kristy (Ziggy) had a great suggestion and I am curious what everyone's opinions are? The idea is this, since on Saturday, we have traditionally always had our potluck dinner, but most of us are attending the rafting trip that afternoon which ends in a steak barbecue afterwards (about 2pm), that it might be a good idea to do the potluck dinner on Friday evening instead and then do a Ice Cream Social on Saturday evening at 6:30 pm, that way the people that are not doing the rafting trip have time planned to eat, and then we all can get together for a sinful desert social afterward, accompanied by maybe another wine tasting event? If we did this, the Washington Chapter would provide assorted flavors of Ice Cream and then everyone could bring some favorite toppings, pies or other deserts you like with your ice-cream.
What is everyone's opinion? I am intrigued by the idea and think it has definite potential, but want to make sure that I am not alone in this idea. Whatever the majority thinks will be the way we go. Kelly and I are a Yes vote for switching the Potluck to Friday and having the Desert Social on Saturday. What is your vote?
Rod Ditrich