Re: ??? Pot Luck ???
I certainly don't want to bring 40 or 50 lobsters if somebody else has that planned... lol.
Well of course you can bring 40 or 50 will be very welcome to bring them to the AlaMissibamassippee rally potluck dinner,LOL.
I can't really answer your question. I am a planner too, but I have learned to "go with the flow" with the potlucks. It seems to always work out.
Try to hit 2 categories of these: Meat dish, Vegetable dish, Dessert, Bread, Salad. How much you brings depends on the crowd and if it is something that can be re-rallied for the after the rally rally.
I think this post might win the most times to use the word "Rally"

Enjoy the rally, and don't stress, there is always more than enough food and a last minute meal can be cooked up by some of the ladies who remind me of Ms. Paula Deen with the way they can re-do leftover sandwiches with a grill and some BUTTA into a fabo meal.
You are very welcome to come join the fun at the Ms/AL rally with or without the lobsters, it is coming up in a few short weeks.