Retired Virginia Chapter Leaders
In defense of Larry & I, food fights are therapeutic. We only participate for the stress relief value.
Although Keith is certainly old enough for an adult beverage, that does not qualify him to be an adult supervisor. How can you justify that from a guy who lives and works with elves, slips in and out of peoples homes (through the chimney no less), and drives around the world spreading reindeer droppings?
I'd suggest that second opinions should be sought!
Yeah but, I'm not really supervising adults. Just you and Larry. Besides, I'm no longer slippin in and out of peoples homes and certainly not spreading reindeer droppings. At least not for another 360 days. Reindeer are all resting comfortably and I've already sent my suit out to the cleaners to remove all the ashes and soot. -- So I've got plenty of time to sit back, relax and stupidvise you and Larry. See, second opinion provided.