//heartlandowners.org/showthread.php/50383-New-guy-on-forum-ford-diesel-tech/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by MTPockets //heartlandowners.org/showthread.php/50383-New-guy-on-forum-ford-diesel-tech/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png
Regarding coolant test strips. I had the Ford part number and got the strips from NAPA.
Sounds like you got the wrong test kit. Or tested wrong.
That engine should not need the revitalizer at that low of a mileage.
i agree.. Test strip I used said add, and tested good after after adding.... What should I do now that I've added twice, had dealer check with Ford strip who says it checks OK, and, where is secondary cooing system checked. Dealer did not know? (Cody, WY)
There are two drain petcocks on either side of the radiator near the bottom. This is where you are "supposed" to get your sample. They are nearly impossible to access, especially for the consumer.
I have seen 2 different dealers check my truck at the "de-gas" tanks, right front near radiator, and left rear near hood hinge. That is not correct, but the general consensus is that testing there is better then not testing because access is so difficult trying to get a petcock sample.
I am good with testing at the de-gas tank. Over 15,000 miles there is enough fluid change in that bottle to provide a fairly accurate sample.
If you tested at the tank and added revitalizer it would take quite a few miles of travel before you should consider a retest accurate. Several thousand would be my guess.
BTW, have you verified you used the correct kit?
There are 2 different kits that I know of for Ford. .
Personally, I would use the correct Motorcraft branded kit and not a parts store kit, which may have some universal applications.
One "coolant" test kit requires 4 different tests, 2 for each cooling system. How many tests were in the NAPA kit?