Pondering Extended Warranty for my tow vehicle


Well-known member
I am giving serious consideration to obtaining an extended warranty for my truck. My reasoning is that it is our plan to keep this expensive asset for many years (at least 6 years).

I would like to get the input of others. Here are my particulars:

  • 2007 Ford F550 XLT - Chassis Cab - 6.0 PSD - AT - 4X4 - Quad Cab
  • I will put about 15,000 miles on annually - all of it towing (~90,000 over a 6 year period)
  • Factory warranty that came with the truck is 3/36 B-to-B and 5/100 engine-only

I have obtained quotes on Ford's ESP Premium Care from two dealers and waiting on a third. I asked for quotes on the 6/75/3000 and 6/100/4000. Pricing on the quotes is based on these items:

  1. >12,000 miles and <36,000 on the truck - this cost me a $100 surcharge
  2. That the truck is an F550 and a 4X4 and a Chassis Cab (no bed from Ford)
  3. $100 deductible

My questions to you, based on my particulars, are:

  1. Would you get an extended warranty?
  2. If yes, would you get the 75k or 100k?
  3. Would you go with the $100 deductible or pay more for a $50 deductible?




Prolifically Gabby Member
I've read some comments on extended warranties that claim they're a loser and you should just bank the money and save it for an emergency. You know how that works. The "emergency" probably won't have anything to do with your truck. I like extended warranties, and will be getting one on my new truck. Just talked to the dealer today about it. Costs for a $0 deductible are very attractive right now.


Past Michigan Chapter Leader
Jim, I think if I were you, I would go for the 100,000 mile plan and no less than a $100 deductible. This would give you a transferable warranty that would be good for 10,000 miles to the new owner. Since the warranty is being offered through your Ford dealer, it isn't one that you would have to fight service over if and when something goes wrong.

I, myself, do not favor an extended warranty, but that's just me. I don't tow as much as you do. Nor is my 3500 as expensive as your 550.


Well-known member
The most expensive part of the truck is the motor. If you put the 4,200 away in savings for just in case, you will have money still in your pocket after 6 years.

I would look at the Ford DIesel Engine Care plans. It takes the motor to 7/200. There is a basic that covers 13 areas and a plus that covers 21 areas.

It is a tough call. It is expensive to fix a diesel motor when they act up.

If you do choose the full plan, go with the 100 deductable. They charge too much to go to 50 or 0 deductable.

Sorry about the rambling here. Just my thoughts.



Well-known member
Look at the 200K plan. If you go to the Dieselstop.com they listed a dealer that was pumping out extended diesel car far below anyone else. What doe he care he's selling extended warranties all over the country inside of just his local.


Senior Member

I am not a big believer in extended warranties. I believe you need a reserve for emergency situations so am good at putting money aside for this purpose. I think in the long run, you come out ahead.



Well-known member
I have 10000km to decide on the Ford 7 / 200 waranty. Sure am thinking about it. This should get me 2 more years (mileage wise) and then I will probably sell truck. Hmmmm but $4000 is $4000. In 150000km have had the high pressure fuel pump go (at 25,000km) and just had the fuel injection control module go (at 150000km). Not sure how muxh that would have cost but would be close.
hi i bought a 2006 350 king ranch with 30,000 miles approx. 4000 miles later the turbo blew taking out the air to air. we had purchased the ford esp plan. two tow trucks came out took us to the nearest ford dealer. repairs were done, all it cost us was 100.00.so yes i would look at it take care Greg.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
When we bought our truck on ebay I paid $1700 for a 4 year 100K with $100 deductible. It's through GE Capital. So far in two years we have saved about $1400 in repair costs. 1st breakdown was an alternator, 2nd was the ABS sensors. Oh yeah, I forgot about the steering clunk thing, another $100 saved. I'm glad I bought it.


Well-known member
Well just picked my truck back up from the dealer. They had to replace turbo and EGR valve. Would have cost $2700. I also bought the extended warranty. I only got the 5 year/ 160000 cause my truck will be over in milage before time. $3360 for the 5 year with $100 deductible.