RV Lock - special pricing for HOC members?


Well-known member
Hope I'm not the only one that can't get there site to work? I get there menu page for sure reason. It would be good if I were looking to work on there website.


Does anyone know if a version of these locks can be keyed the same as the slam baggage doors so there is one key? I sent an inquiry a few days ago on their website, but haven't heard back. Would really like to have only one key...



Well-known member
Where would I look for a keyless entry lock?...Would they have to chage the whole door or can this be an after market item?


Staff member
The RV Lock is aftermarket and replaces your OEM lock.
Read the first page of posts in this thread.



Well-known member
Hi. The slam latch handles from RVLock are in the works, but not ready yet. Stay tuned...

If one was to buy a V4 rvlock and a keyed alike lock for their second door, would it be possible to order a keyed alike slam baggage door latch handle in the future or would it be wise to wait and order all three at once when they are all available?


Well-known member
Thanks James. One last question. If I order a V4 lock and a standard mechanical lock for my second door, can I have all 4 cylinders keyed the same?


Luv'n Life
Just got my new RV lock 4.0 today and it did not have the free extra key fob. I included in the comments that I was a Heartland Club member.

James, what happen to my extra key fob.


Active Member
I know that they are super over whelmed with orders right now. I will pass it along and make sure we get you taken care of. Maybe drop them an email as well so that they have a paper trail to expedite the process.


Active Member
Placed my order yesterday. Included free fob offer in instructions. Hopefully everything will come in a couple days..


Luv'n Life

Yes I did send email and got taken care of by Cade. Only thing is, Im leaving on the 30th and told Cade I need a rush on this. Hope it happens!


How about the update on repairs for us original folks with intermittent lock operation?

Last week at the rally was almost frustrating enough that had I thought of it, I would have gone looking for someone's standard take out lock.