Slide problems


Hello, Someone had posted on here they had problems with their slide marking the carpet and floor. They fixed it by installing something on the floor so when the slide came in it moved across it instead of the carpet. Could you get in touch with us and tell us how you did it and what you used. Ours has been worked on and it is marking our carpet. We have a 09 Sundance 5th wheel 30' with 1 slide. Our e-mail address is Thank you for your time, Jimmy


I am not the person who made the post but my kitchen slide scarpes the floor after being almost closed. We realized it was because the slide has a 4 door frig. and when the slide gets half way closed the slide 's weight (frig) pushes the slide down into the floor. The dealer tried to install a small wheel under the slide but that did not work. I now put a thin sheet of plexiglass on the floor before closing the slide. It's not the best but it is easy and saves the floor.
