Slide toppers adjustment

One of the slide toppers on my BH is slack to the point that there is a puddle of water as a result of rain. Is there a way that I can tighten the toppers myself without having to bring the rig to the dealer who is located at more than 60 miles from here? I have not found that information neither in the Dometic brochure that came with the trailer nor on their website. Maybe it is too simple...

Thank you in advance!



Well-known member
I'm going to stick my neck out and say that when you have a flat topper (or any flat tarp), it is going to collect water when it rains. Even the awning, if not properly angled will collect water. I've seen a number of different solutions to the water collection problem, from volley balls to home made props to go under the slide awning, but I don't think that it is realistic to expect a flat cover to not collect water.



Well-known member
The topper on my Snowriver TC slide out doesn't sag, tight as a drum. Pretty sure it is a Carefree. However, it is not as large as most FW slide outs. Butch at RV for less said he preferred to install after market toppers rather than the factory ones. Mine are factory but so far haven't given much trouble.

L'l John

Well-known member
Butch installed Carefree slide topper awnings on my 3400RL.
They all collect water that doesn't come off until I either slide them in or it evaporates.


The slide topper on our old trailer collected water but haven't received our new Landmark yet so I can't say for certain but I fully expect it to collect water when it rains. I think they all do.



Well-known member
The slide toppers on the bedroom and ent. center are small enough that they stay tight but the topper on our main slide will collect water so to prevent this I took an idea from the "10 minute tech" book and made a 3 legged frame from 1¼" pvc pipe that slides in between the slideout roof and the topper and makes a peak in it this allows the water to flow off and also keeps the topper tight on windy days.

Tom of Ypsi

Well-known member
I have the same problem but if I feel there is too much water on the toppers I will lift my rear jacks a little then raise my front jacks and the water runs off. This takes all of 5 minutes and also gives the awning somewhat of a wash.



The accumulation of water usually depends on the angle of the slide topper and the extension of the slide from the trailer. The topper on the kitchen side of my 3500RL does not puddle, while the door side topper does.

My 'fix' is a frame made out of 1" PVC pipe with friction fit couplings. I made it slightly higher in the center so that there would be a run-off. Material list was 2 - 10' lengths of 1" PVC, 3 - 'T' Connectors, 2 - 90 degree elbows and 6 - end caps. I took my measurements to the local Home Depot and they used their pipe cutter to cut the pieces to size - total cost was $18.00. The frame can be set up in miutes and disassembled for travel.

I saw a similar rig at a trailer parts shop for $85.00.

Best regards,

2 Adults and 2 very spoiled Cocker Spaniels
2004 3500RL Bighorn