Well-known member

Mucho dinero!
Bones; Banged my head twice as well.[/QUOTE said:Only Twice??? Happens to me everytime I get somthing out of the closet.
Ha. First was while I was in the storage compartment leaned up and smack the second was when I walked out the door. At least they have that padding over the door.Only Twice??? Happens to me everytime I get somthing out of the closet.
Repaired one of the dining room chairs (the one DW sits on) that was coming apart. A little Gorilla glue on the back joints and a few screws to replace staples in the braces and storage bottom and it's like new. The name written on the bottom of the seat was "Erika". TravelTiger, do you have a new side job?
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I finally got tired of having to dig through the basement for things I used frequently and having to move things I use infrequently to find them so I have been spending the last few weeks in between rallies trying get a semblance of organization to my storage. Anyway, here are some of the things I came up with.
- added hooks to the generator compartment walls for my 12 gauge and other extension cords, ropes, security cables and awning tie-down kit.
- added a tool holder to the ODS basement wall to hold the common tools I always seemed to look for during set up/tear down.
- added as small double shelf to the DS basement wall to hold items that I frequently use all the time (I copied this from Corbin Tayloe's BC basement).
- added hooks to the door side basement wall for my barbecue tools as we like to grill a lot.
Mike, that looks like a professional job. I am heading to New Mexico about the second week in August, might even pass through Angelo, what is your hourly rate?