Just discovered a few minutes ago that the shock absorber (or whatever you call it) that is attached to the top of our entrance door was loose.
Upon closer inspection, all three of the screws that hold it into the outside top of the door were all out about halfway, so I got out the ladder and tightened them up, only to discover that all three of the screws were stripped!
I had some that were the same length, but a little fatter, so put those in, but one of them is still loose in the screw hole.
Even though the two are pretty tight, it looks to me like this is a bad design and will only give us more grief in time (have only had the trailer out for six nights since we bought it) as it has flexed the frame of the door itself (might have to replace the door maybe?).
I also noticed that the other end where it is attached above the door was loose as well, and when I got up there to tighten those screws, it looks like someone had already worked on it as there is a bunch of black goop behind it and the goop was covering the screw heads as well.
Guess I'll have to come up with something different for this as I don't think it will hold.
And I doubt that any warranty repair will fix the problem, but just replace it with the same thing.
I don't really like the fact that this shock only allows the door to open halfway as it blocks the air flow through the door (see it in photo below).