Aquia Pines or Prince Willian Forest Park, Virginia - Information


Staff member
I looked at for you CGs.
Aquia Pines doesn't have very flattering reviews.
Prince William Forest looks to have a better review.
Keep in mind that these are only opinions and everybody has different likes and dislikes.
We do have a member that lives in Dumfries, hopefully he will have some information for you.



Well-known member
We stayed at Aquia Pines in Oct 2012. They had many year round residents with some RVs maintained better than others. Our site was fairly level (been in worse). We had no issues with the staff even though it appears others have.

However, their rates were excessive (in our opinion) for their facility.

We haven't stayed at PW Forest since they didn't have 50amp hookup.

Paul & Martha

Life's too short. Live so you can say "Remember when" not "I wish I had".


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
We stayed at Aquia Pines in Oct 2012. They had many year round residents with some RVs maintained better than others. Our site was fairly level (been in worse). We had no issues with the staff even though it appears others have.

However, their rates were excessive (in our opinion) for their facility.

We haven't stayed at PW Forest since they didn't have 50amp hookup.

Paul & Martha

Life's too short. Live so you can say "Remember when" not "I wish I had".

Prince William Forest has two rows of 50 amp sites Paul/Martha. We live about a half mile from it and often stage our rig there overnight before a trip to get the frige going, etc. The sites are on the small side though. Our 38 foot Grand Canyon just fits. I would guess that 40 feet is the max.


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
Also. I would pick Prince William Forest over Aquia Pines. Just not a big fan of the Aquia Pines layout and rates.