WOW....interesting two days. We knew it would be rainy but who knew....
Set up in the dry on Wednesday....thank goodness. Rained all night Wednesday and its nearly 10 pm on Thursday and haven't seen the sun! Storm warnings all day...tornados, but thankfully not right here. Power out about 7 am today...interesting observations....pump system in park out with power....always fill fresh water 1/3 but will start filling more immediately when we arrive at camp. At least then you have water to use. Park got generator working for water but must boil water to use. if we'd had a full fresh water tank would have been better. as it is filled tank once generator had water system going. no problem with showers ande toilet.
ran out to grocery and got ice and drinking water....and a new 12v battery so that if we were without power for next 3 days we'd have juice. Existing battery holding out OK with minimial use. fortunately we have lots of c's, d's and AAA cells onboard so lots of power for lanterns, portable radio, etc.
karen got to watch american idol tonite via verizon hotspot on cell phone... on charger in car and using rest of laptop battery to access slingbox attached to home tv. we 've both had hot showers so comfy night. weather should be cooler and dry next two days so we're looking foward to dry, cool sunshine...even if power is still out.
all in all pretty comfortable and prepared. a few things i'll add to camper when i get home. inverter to charge computers from car. prolly want to have a 12v dc receptacle in camper to run tv...fortunately our favi 19" tv runs on 12v...if we had been able to connect in camper.
tomorrow we'll post not only the large number of big rig site here, but also those that fare better in "big rain".
kinda practice dry camping so good learnings.
Randy and Karen.