Food Committee for Rally 2007


Well-known member
We are continuing to have difficulty getting our signature in when I post a reply. Hoipe everyone knows that "Arisce" is Karen & Bill from Montreal, Quebec.

Tom of Ypsi

Well-known member

Judy and I will volunteer for that spare hour on Sunday morning. Since we are on the cleanup committee we could help then keep right on cleaning up. We are in no hurry anyways as we are not leaving until Monday. As far as purchasing the food on Friday, are you asking for people to go into town with you to purchase food? If this is the case count me in on this also.


Well-known member
William and Karen;
You can count on Sue and John Morgan to help buy food with you. And we have a vehicle to help haul it in also.


Well-known member
To John, Sue, Tom and Judy,
Thank you all for replying so quickly and volunteering to help buy food on Friday for the Sunday Farewell Breakfast. As Bill will be busy with Bill Axel on the training ground, a vehicle to carry supplies in will also be helpful. I have put you all down on my list. Thanks again. See you SOOON!!!


Well-known member
25-Mar Update on Rally Food/Tables from Karen (arisce):

Hi Karen,
Just went over the listing of foods for the rally. I think that I will do a taco salad for Thursday's dinner. We also have a bbq grill that we'll be able to use.

Janet Robbins
3200 BH


Well-known member
Hello everyone again,
Just a reminder to any attendees who are planing to come to Indiana for the rally and who have not yet given me their food contributions, please think about it and let me know ASAP. I am leaving in 1 week for England and will be gone 1 month, and Janet Robbins has gratefully stepped in to monitor this food forum. However Janet works fulltime so I would like to have as much finalized as possible before I leave.
So post me your choices-appetizer, main(Wed night only-bring your own meat for the Thursday night BBQ), dessert, salad, soooonnn!Thanks!

Terry H

Past Texas North Chapter Leader/Moderator
Staff member
Food for Rally

We will suppy a Salad for Wednesday night and a Dessert for Thursday Night.


Well-known member
Arisce - we'll prepare a cold pasta salad for Wed nite's potluck. Our appetizer for Thurs will be a southwestern-type warm dish, served with Lime Doritos. It's a favorite with a cold drink, which I suspect there will be lots of on the Rally's first "official" evening. Oh, and I always travel with fresh limes for any other Stoli's drinkers out there - I'll have plenty to share!;)

We'll bring our 6 ft table to be used wherever it's needed thruout our stay. We're really looking forward to meeting everyone. Can't wait !


Well-known member
Thanks Terry! See you at the rally.Can't wait to be there.

I am also looking for some volunteers to help prepare food for the Farewell Breakfast on Saturday afternoon after we return from visiting the Heartland factories. I already have several volunteers to help me purchase food and transport it back to camp(JP, Sue, Tom, Judy, Janet) but would appreciate a few more hands in the kitchen to prepare some dishes, cut up fruit, etc. so that we may also enjoy the Heartland supper, knowing our breakfast is all prepared. If you would rather help in the kitchen on the Sunday AM, I would appreciate that also, as it will take a few hands to set up the coffee, tea, put the stratas into the oven, etc.

So let me know if you can spare an hour to help make our final meal together as our Heartland Family a success.
Thanks everyone.


Well-known member
Thanks George and Lindsey,
Have you down for all those items as well as a table.We have a long 6' table which we may bring but recently purchased a folding 6' table which we will now carry with us everywhere as we have been in campsites where the table has been quite unusable or there has been no table. So we are prepared!
See you next month!(Doesn't that sound great, after all these months of waiting!)


Evans & Lana
What do you think if someone could cater the main dish for Thrusday's meal? We all add to the kitty to pay for that part of the meal. Evans & Lana


retired Alberta Chapter Leaders
Lynne & I will volunteer for kitchen duty in helping prepare for the Sunday breakfast..../Doug


I can help with the preparation for Sunday's breakfast on Saturday.
Also I will bring an appetizer for the Thursday BBQ.
For the potluck on Wednesday I will bring a salad.
Enjoy your trip to England Arisce and will see you at the Rally.


Well-known member
Doug, Lynne, Steve and Sharon,
Thanks for answering my call for help. Have you all down on my lists which are getting longer and confusing! See you there!


Well-known member
Evans & Lana Waller said:
What do you think if someone could cater the main dish for Thrusday's meal? We all add to the kitty to pay for that part of the meal. Evans & Lana
Although this may sound like a great idea, it would take a lot more work to organize this meal.Last year's Potluck was a succcess and so we thought we would continue in the same vein, except this year it is a BBQ.As everyone brings their own meat, it gives people much more choice.


Well-known member
Bye everyone,
I am off to England for 1 month and Janet Robbins will be monitoring this site. If you have still not registered for a food contribution, pls do so ASAP so we can finalize things, especially now that we have 61 rigs! This means lots of food!
I will be back in touch May 15. Bye for now.