Food Committee for Rally 2007


Well-known member
Thank you also for the quick reply. We could use a main dish for Wed night (nothing fancy) and an appetizer for Thurs night. How does that sound?

Tom of Ypsi

Well-known member

Judy and I will be coming on Tuesday so for Wed we will bring a desert and Thur a salad. If there is a problem with this just let us know and we will gladly change.
On another note, we said we would bring a table and without even thinking I failed to ask what type, a camping table that folds nicely to about 4" square and 6' long or one of those banquet tables?
See ya'll at the rally.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
My thoughts on dishes to pass for the Wednesday and Thursday meals. We can commit to something or wait till we get there and see what's needed most. We can do most anything spur of the moment so whichever way would work best, let us know. We will probably show up Monday PM or Tuesday.


Well-known member
Tom & Judy,
Thanks for selecting your food contributions for Wed and Thurs. As to the table, anything you can fit into your rig would help. If you can manage to bring both the square and the long one, I am sure we will be able to put them to use. For Wed Progressive supper, we will need several tables at the host rigs depending on how many people finally join in.
I am making an appetizer, so I will volunteer our site to be the starting point with everyone who is making an appetizer bringing it to site #411 where we can all gather and meet, eat some appetizers and then progress to the "main dish/salad" host rig and then on to the "dessert" rig. As we did not have tables at each site last year, we will need people to bring them to put the food on.
How does this sound? I have never done this before but Gene came up with this idea a long time ago and it sounded like an interesting way to get to meet people in our camping area.
Thanks again.


Well-known member
Dear Ken and Kathy,
The main meals that people have chosen to bring for the Wed night supper include: a gumbo, a chicken dish, with 1 other person having not made a selection. So feel free to bring just about anything.Thanks.


Well-known member
Dear Ray and Lin,
I could use another appetizer for the Wed Progressive supper if you think you could do that. For Thurs BBQ, I have equal numbers for appetizers and salads, so pick your favourite. Just be sure to let me know your choices.


Well-known member

I will have a 6' long table that I brought last year to use at registration. At dinner time, we can put a sign at the front gate area directing early arrivals to a specific site to check-in. We're only talking about the short time for the progressive dinner - so please count my table in.


Tom of Ypsi

Well-known member

Thanks for explaining this a little better. It should be great fun and sounds like a learning experience for some of us also. We have been to progressive dinners before but never at a campground. I know I have one table for sure and I will probably have at least another one.


Well-known member
Dear PK,
Right now I have no idea how many people are planning to be at the Wed night Progressive Supper. That is why I am asking attendees to let me/us know ASAP when they are going to be arriving. Numbers for Wed and Thurs will be different as some people, like us and Jim are arriving early while others are only able to come for the actual rally starting Thurs. So, please everyone who is registered, pls let me know what day you plan to be there so people can plan the amount of food they are contributing. Hope this helps a little bit, PK. Will let you know as soon as numbers are finalized.Thanks

Princess Kathleen

Well-known member
Thanks, we will wait....for laissee ls bon temps rouler.....we will be in site 450 at the rally....ya'll come down and pass a good time


Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
arisce said:
Dear Ray and Lin,
I could use another appetizer for the Wed Progressive supper if you think you could do that. For Thurs BBQ, I have equal numbers for appetizers and salads, so pick your favourite. Just be sure to let me know your choices.
OK, an appetizer for Wednesday, either BBq meatballs or lil' smokies?
How about a desert for Thursday?


Well-known member
Dear Ray and Lin,
Thanks. BBQ meatballs sounds great for Wed and a dessert will be fine for Thurs. We now have 6 desserts for Thurs but with 50+ rigs we will need lots of food!
Your last name is intriquing as LeTourneau sounds French. Do you have French ancestors in your past? Must be with a name like that! Perhaps some "coureur de bois" eventually made it to WI. and settled there.See you at the rally with our 2 cats.


Tom & Sharol
Food needs for Wed./Thurs.

Sharol and I will be in sometime Wednesday and would like to help with the food needs for Wednesday and Thursday nights. We do plan to attend both nights. Please let us know what you need and for how many people.

Tom Maskus
Sharol LaValle


Past Michigan Chapter Leader
Just took a look at the site map for the rally and I see that we are up to 53 units. More mouths to feed. I believe that Saundra and I will be coming in on Tuesday (providing we can get space at the campground), so we will participate in the progressive dinner on Wednesday - already have signed up for the logo cake on Thursday.

Not quite sure what the progressive meal is really all about (maybe I missed it in an earlier post). I know it is a way to get everyone to every other unit, but does this mean that we have to have food for whatever total shows up for Wednesday night?

Gosh, I guess I won't sign up for steaks. If we completely fill the place and have 73 units times two mouths to feed from each unit, I'd have to get buy into a beef ranch.

I'm sure it is not that, but not sure what to sign up for based upon the answer I get.;)


Well-known member
Dear Chuck and Saundra,Tom and Sharol,
I am glad you will be there on Wed night for the Progressive supper. It works this way: people sign up to bring a dish, i.e. appetizer, salad, main dish or dessert. Then host trailers are chosen,i.e. our trailer at site #411 will be the appetizer trailer as I am in charge of this idea, though it came from Gene. That means all appetizers will be present at site #411 as well as all participants. (Which is why we need tables)After munching on appetizers and a glass of wine or beer, we all travel to the next host trailer which is the salad trailer and then on to the main dish trailer, finally arriving at the dessert host trailer. People will need to carry their cutlery and plate with them as well as a folding chair but I think it may all work out if surrounding trailers donate chairs to the nearby host rig.(and pick them up later at the end)It is a way to visit different sites and rigs and to meet as many people as possible. Main dishes can include meat but individual pieces such as steaks, burgers, chicken are not expected. It is more like a stew, lasagne, chili, etc. type of main dish. Does this clarify the idea? I have never done this type of meal at a camp site but it sounds like fun and an interesting way to meet many attendees.
I have 2 appetizers, 3 salads, 4 main meals and 2 desserts for Wed night supper. So feel free to pick a favourite. As to numbers we have 50+ rigs so far, but Wed night is for the early birds which will be lower in numbers.
Many attendees have not yet confirmed their presence for Wed so I am waiting for numbers to climb. I have already mentioned in another post that I will be away for 1 month in April so I would like to get as much finalized before the end of March so that people have an idea of what and how much to bring. I would say to bring a regular portion size(i.e. my lasagna serves 8) but if you want, a double recipe would also be good. Food will never go to waste camping-you just have leftovers. Hope this helps.
Let me know what you decide to bring.


Tom & Sharol
Food for Wednesday/Thursday

Put us down for an appetizer on Wednesday night and a salad on Thursday night Arisce.

Tom & Sharol


Well-known member
Thanks Tom & Sharol. Have you down for both items now.Do you carry a portable table with you?If so, please bring it along.