Dear Chuck and Saundra,Tom and Sharol,
I am glad you will be there on Wed night for the Progressive supper. It works this way: people sign up to bring a dish, i.e. appetizer, salad, main dish or dessert. Then host trailers are chosen,i.e. our trailer at site #411 will be the appetizer trailer as I am in charge of this idea, though it came from Gene. That means all appetizers will be present at site #411 as well as all participants. (Which is why we need tables)After munching on appetizers and a glass of wine or beer, we all travel to the next host trailer which is the salad trailer and then on to the main dish trailer, finally arriving at the dessert host trailer. People will need to carry their cutlery and plate with them as well as a folding chair but I think it may all work out if surrounding trailers donate chairs to the nearby host rig.(and pick them up later at the end)It is a way to visit different sites and rigs and to meet as many people as possible. Main dishes can include meat but individual pieces such as steaks, burgers, chicken are not expected. It is more like a stew, lasagne, chili, etc. type of main dish. Does this clarify the idea? I have never done this type of meal at a camp site but it sounds like fun and an interesting way to meet many attendees.
I have 2 appetizers, 3 salads, 4 main meals and 2 desserts for Wed night supper. So feel free to pick a favourite. As to numbers we have 50+ rigs so far, but Wed night is for the early birds which will be lower in numbers.
Many attendees have not yet confirmed their presence for Wed so I am waiting for numbers to climb. I have already mentioned in another post that I will be away for 1 month in April so I would like to get as much finalized before the end of March so that people have an idea of what and how much to bring. I would say to bring a regular portion size(i.e. my lasagna serves 8) but if you want, a double recipe would also be good. Food will never go to waste camping-you just have leftovers. Hope this helps.
Let me know what you decide to bring.