I thought about the Dexter IS option last fall when I had all of the rolled rear I beams/suspension problems. I seem to remember 5 or 6 years ago Dexter had a similar factory service center in Elkhart like MorRyde's. In fact, I think it was right around the present Heartland home offices, since that is on Dexter drive. They had repair stalls and places to stay awaiting service like MorRyde presently has. Well, they evidently dropped that service center thinking it was competing with their nationwide system of dealers. I phoned the listed dealer in the North Bay area of California, and he seemed to know very little about the RV trailer IS product, or the calculations involved in getting the correct product for my rig. Add to that the fact that I was running up against a financial wall with the costs of a standard suspension fix of my rig problems, I dropped the Dexter idea. I also have not seen a posting by anyone on this, or other RV forums, who have installed and experienced the Dexter IS solution.
I will have to correct a previous post of mine on the MorRyde IS, saying that I have not heard of anyone with problems with it. There was a recent posting here of someone who had a torn rubber spring on one of the axles after a few years of use.