Ok, I am going to say my piece, why is it that WE all buy nice 5th wheels from Heartland that HEARTLAND supplies with inferior tires and now we as consumers are burdened with the unexpected added expense of replacing all of our tires to be able to use our RV's. I know everyone is complaining about TowMax and telling everyone to get them off of their rigs ASAP once they purchase but nobody is blaming the TRUE culprit and that IS HEARTLAND for purchasing the inferior tires that they are providing on NEW RV's. I would expect that a quality manufacturer who prides itself on customer service and quality equipment would have by now after the hundreds or even thousands of TowMax complaints would do right by there customers and offer replacement tires ****. I have had a blowout, and have had all of the remaining tires replaced on my 5th wheel. The four that didn't blow, 1 had 10 bubbles on the inside of the tire after dismount, 1 had a patch on the inside of the tire that had been repaired which I was never informed of prior to purchase "so I basically bought a new RV with a used tire" and the two remaining tires both had broken plys. And for probably less than $1000 difference in price from what HEARTLAND buys the TowMax for I could have had quality tires from the factory. FWIW, Dynamic tire offered my $125 to buy back the TowMax, Heartland offer me Dynamics telephone number and nothing else, taking no responsibility for installing inferior tires on my 5th Wheel nor even showing compassion for the $2500 worth of damage to the side of my RV.
TowMax is not the problem Heartland is because they know TowMax are junk, but for the sake of a few $$$ they do not care and once it is sold it is YOUR PROBLEM not ours
They are replacing the tires with a different brand, it may take a while to be able to happen on all lines.
Remember that Thor owns Heartland. It's more likely this was a Thor contract for thousands and thousands of tires across many many brands of Thor's subsidiary rvs. Changing something like that can't happen overnight... In fact, in 2013 we questioned the Tredit Rep at the National Rally, and they said the manufacturer was making improvements to the tire, and adding a warranty. So my guess is there was pressure applied to TowMax at some point to produce a better product since the contract was for a long term.
All this is speculation... But walk around an RV show and I guarantee you, no one has better tires on their coaches, except maybe the higher end models because they need G or H rated tires.
I looked at a competitive 16k SOB at the show, it had "Westlake" load range E tires on it. Again, these are made in China, so who knows their reliability.
but in no way are you obligated to take the tires that are on the trailer when you buy. You can negotiate new tires and switch them before you even buy the product. For all new potential RV owners, DO THIS!!!
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