That was the goal! It was a tab bit expensive, but worth matching the original shelves. Thanks Ann!
Where did you match the wood color?
We leave Wednesday for Denton, Texas, then Colorado, then South Dakota.
My pre-vacation to-do list doesn't seem to be getting any shorter, but I did find the time to copy an idea I saw on here a while back. I mounted a section of five inch fence post under the back, and put a section of vinyl gutter inside that. Voila--storage for 20 feet of sewer hose, including fittings!
When and where are you going to be in Colorado?
The Colorado HOC is having a Meet & Greet in Colorado Springs next Thursday, and some of us (along with some Arizona members on their way back from Goshen) will be near there with our RV's!
Hi. We will be in Estes Park June 28, 29 and 30. Then Hill City July 1-9.
Oh wow - where can i begin. The National Rally loved seeing us coming. Added the Alum Quad steps, getting rid of the heavy steel steps that came on the LM; had the Winegard Rayzar over the air antena added; and then had Mark Comer make the Tennessee Chapter decal for the back window.
My pre-vacation to-do list doesn't seem to be getting any shorter, but I did find the time to copy an idea I saw on here a while back. I mounted a section of five inch fence post under the back, and put a section of vinyl gutter inside that. Voila--storage for 20 feet of sewer hose, including fittings!
Today's big project was mounting the rearview camera for my Garmin RV 760LMT. I really didn't want to drill any holes, but I did want it higher than the license plate. Then I had an aha moment: I attached it to my Heartland Owners Club plaque, and mounted that at the top of my ladder instead of near the middle. I used the Garmin extension cable and ran the wire along my propane grill line up to the landing gear compartment, and connected it directly to the battery there. Nice picture on that thing!