How Necessary is a Weapon?

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Well-known member
Don't jump the gun! LOL. You are safe at movie theaters, and the like. The odds of you running into altercations in public are very slim. However the CCW crowd will welcome you and a trip to a gun show will get you tuned up to what kind you should carry. I have 1000's of hours of firearms training that includes target identification and numerous detailed training that you can never afford to buy. I can tell you that I do not carry a gun in and around my town (yet). I have no reason to. If I were to carry anything it would be pepper spray. It is so effective against the most common kind of runt trouble maker. The likelihood of you actually needing a gun is way less than the likelihood of needing the pepper spray. So for general security a can of pepper spray is more useful than a gun.

It is not until you step into that rig and head out on your vacation that you need to consider the shotgun. I say secure it in your rig, you will likely know in advance that you are going to need it. But I promise you the weapon you will need is the pepper spray. You can't shoot someone that is fixing to assault you unless you fear grievous bodily harm. But you can dam sure spray them down with pepper spray. LOL. Like I said if you ever have to use it, get in your rig and go. Let the bully explain to the cops why he has pepperspray all over his face. LOL

OMG I had no idea about any if this , I travel in the US for around 2-3 months a year and had never considered any of this , I have a young family and I'm feeling rather foolish that I hadn't considered carrying a pump action shotgun with us, infact I should really have one in the cab of the truck as well incase someone tries to jack the truck, but what about when we are out shopping or at the movies, I would need something smaller, to think that I've been out in the US for all these occasions and not thought about any of this astounds me , I guess it's because I come from a country were handgun ownership is illegal.


If I was a defensive carry kind of guy, I would never take a can of pepper spray to a gunfight.
Just sayin.



Well-known member
Carrying a gun is like carrying a spare tire, fire extinguisher, having roadside assistance, and insuring your vehicle. All of never wish to NEED but when you do NEED them they can be a LIFESAVER. I personally would not head cross country without a spare tire, would you?


Well-known member
You miss my point, I do not advocate carrying a can of pepper spray to a freaking gun fight. I advocate the pepper spray for 99.99999 % of what you will encounter as violence against you. I said I prefer a 12 ga pump shotgun with 5 to 7 rounds of 00 buck in the magazine with one rifled slug in the chamber, for the other .0000001% chance that you will have to shoot someone or something. And I said that if you want to carry a pistol, and be burdened with that thing at every state line you cross and lord help you if you have to use it, I absolutely support you in doing so. But I guarantee that you will run across the need for a can of bear spray long before you will need a gun.

It aint about cowboying up an puffing your chest out. Its about defending yourself. Ask yourself are you really going to shoot some guy for coming at you for a fight? Are you going to ruin your life for that? Shoot someone under those conditions and you will be sued, you might win, but you will spend your life savings defending yourself if you have not already spent that money on a criminal defense attorney. All you would have to do in that situation is spray that sucker down, get in your rig and drive off. No fuss no muss, now you might have to pull that gun out later if he manages to find you later. But hey that is a different deal.

If I was a defensive carry kind of guy, I would never take a can of pepper spray to a gunfight.
Just sayin.



Well-known member
Ditto, well said.

Carrying a gun is like carrying a spare tire, fire extinguisher, having roadside assistance, and insuring your vehicle. All of never wish to NEED but when you do NEED them they can be a LIFESAVER. I personally would not head cross country without a spare tire, would you?


Well-known member
Carrying a gun is like carrying a spare tire, fire extinguisher, having roadside assistance, and insuring your vehicle. All of never wish to NEED but when you do NEED them they can be a LIFESAVER. I personally would not head cross country without a spare tire, would you?

X2!!!! The only difference between me and the fellow who shot the guy in Oklahoma who had just beheaded a woman, is that I would kept firing till I was empty!!! I don't carry everywhere I go, which in today's society is a risk. I did keep a pistol and an oak tire knocker handy at work, both of which were known to all employees. In 25 years I only had to pull the tire knocker once. At my age, I really don't want a "close" encounter with someone, and most of the small pepper spray products only have an effective range of 3 to 10 feet and a limited supply of spray. Might be a little hard to carry with you, but a can of wasp/hornet spray puts out an accurate stream 20' or more, and burns like a *&^%.


Carrying a gun is like carrying a spare tire, fire extinguisher, having roadside assistance, and insuring your vehicle. All of never wish to NEED but when you do NEED them they can be a LIFESAVER. I personally would not head cross country without a spare tire, would you?

Well stated! Going anywhere in today's world without a firearm is like playing Russian Rhoulette! Alot of people get lucky and go through their entire lives without even needing one, but others die simply walking into a bank, or standing at an ATM machine, or going to the mall at the wrong time. For me...I would much rather have one and never need it, than to need it and not have it!


Well-known member
I would recommend that the suggestions contained in Jim.Allison's post be given serious consideration by those feel the need for a firearm while RVing,. but are not comfortable with a handgun. I am retired from 40-year law enforcement career which included instructing law enforcement firearms, non-lethal weapons and use-of-force. I have followed the "weapons carry" threads over the years and Jim"s post
reflect many of the thoughts I have on this topic. A pump-action shotgun has a lot of visual deterrent value as well as fire power. Of course, the use is "home defense... not carry around camp-site or vehicle. But, if the situation warrants a firearm... not much beats a shotgun in close quarters.

Other suggestions have been chemical sprays and Tasers. What I see in Jim's post is the suggestion that you be gone immediately following use of these. Have not seen that "after-action" response previously covered. But it is an important consideration in such situations. It may even entail leaving your RV while seeking safety and law enforcement assistance. Those who may depend on chemicals or a Taser... be aware that those devices have limited effect and a subject may quickly recover to continue an attack. It is important to be decisive and take advantage of the diversion.

As others have posted the vast majority of us will enjoy safe travels and will never have need of these items. The places that most RVers are attracted to are safe and maintained by commercial or governmental authorities. The oversight of conduct is more closely regulated than most communities. But............. **** happens even at home!

Shortest Straw

Caught In A Mosh
I have to agree with you when it comes to the pepper spray/taser means of self defense. If you use either use them as a means of trying to slow your attacker down, get those legs moving you away from them as rapidly as possible. I have been on calls where the PO tasered people I was there to help when they decided to whoop me. During more than a few of those instances the "patient" just stared at them while they pulled the barbs out and kept coming even angrier than they were before. I will guess that I have treated as many PO's for pepper spray as I have criminals or unruly characters. The thing about sprays is you need to account for wind direction and how close you are to your attacker all while defending yourself. This is true unless you dont mind getting a taste of your own. If you use a spray in an enclosed space such as your rv you best have a gas mask too. Any ex military should attest to that, probably not as bad as the gas chamber but...

I would recommend that the suggestions contained in Jim.Allison's post be given serious consideration by those feel the need for a firearm while RVing,. but are not comfortable with a handgun. I am retired from 40-year law enforcement career which included instructing law enforcement firearms, non-lethal weapons and use-of-force. I have followed the "weapons carry" threads over the years and Jim"s post
reflect many of the thoughts I have on this topic. A pump-action shotgun has a lot of visual deterrent value as well as fire power. Of course, the use is "home defense... not carry around camp-site or vehicle. But, if the situation warrants a firearm... not much beats a shotgun in close quarters.

Other suggestions have been chemical sprays and Tasers. What I see in Jim's post is the suggestion that you be gone immediately following use of these. Have not seen that "after-action" response previously covered. But it is an important consideration in such situations. It may even entail leaving your RV while seeking safety and law enforcement assistance. Those who may depend on chemicals or a Taser... be aware that those devices have limited effect and a subject may quickly recover to continue an attack. It is important to be decisive and take advantage of the diversion.

As others have posted the vast majority of us will enjoy safe travels and will never have need of these items. The places that most RVers are attracted to are safe and maintained by commercial or governmental authorities. The oversight of conduct is more closely regulated than most communities. But............. **** happens even at home!


Well-known member
I only say to get gone because there is no point in staying around. Police officers rarely care when a bad guy get his a// kicked or loses a battle. The likelihood of an investigation (in Texas anyway is minor). If the bad guy calls the authorities you can rest assured they will run a criminal history check. I can tell you from experience that most people who cause trouble enough to be pepper sprayed or shot will have a criminal history, it won't be their first assault and there is a high likelihood that they have an "aggravated assault" at the top of their record." They are not going to stay around for the police to get there and are surely not going to call the police themselves lest their probation officer find out they are in trouble again. You gotta make your own call, but I would leave ASAP after I got finished with him. BTW the pepper spray is only the beginning of his problems. If I have to use it, I will be going all "Rodney King" on him. I consider the action of falling on his his knees and choking on pepper spray to actually be a tactical error on his behalf, not a signal for me to stop defending myself. You stop defending yourself when the threat stops! If the subject has a car, once you have debilitated him, take his keys and lock his doors. Dispose of them on the highway a mile down the road. When he recovers from the pepper spray he can call a locksmith. If there is a weapon involved you might want to stick around for the police, cause that will warrant an arrest, but keep your bear spray out while you wait, or wait down the road. - Just saying.


Well-known member
Seems like the use of lethal force will cause a spending spree with a lawyer in court. Martial arts, pepper/bear spray, stun guns would create a lot less court time and inconvenience.


Well-known member
Carrying a gun is like carrying a spare tire, fire extinguisher, having roadside assistance, and insuring your vehicle. All of never wish to NEED but when you do NEED them they can be a LIFESAVER. I personally would not head cross country without a spare tire, would you?

An absurd comment.Life isn't like a spare tire!!


Well-known member
Before spraying chemicals in peoples eyes, you might want to check on the laws involved. I think some states hold it to be illegal and there may be some that require licenses or permits. Also, on lots of chemicals nowadays, Federal laws may prohibit off-label usage. And of course, some sprays warn that they could cause permanent eye damage.

If you stop a threat, whether with a firearm or with a chemical response, the harm you cause to the other person could come back to bite you. If you're looking for a "get out of jail free" card, best stay home and play Monopoly.


Well-known member
Pepper Spray is lawful in all 50 states and is not classified as a weapon under federal law. How ever there are subtle differences in laws between the states. ergo my statement, "when you are forced to use it" leave right away dont wait for the cops.

Before spraying chemicals in peoples eyes, you might want to check on the laws involved. I think some states hold it to be illegal and there may be some that require licenses or permits. Also, on lots of chemicals nowadays, Federal laws may prohibit off-label usage. And of course, some sprays warn that they could cause permanent eye damage.

If you stop a threat, whether with a firearm or with a chemical response, the harm you cause to the other person could come back to bite you. If you're looking for a "get out of jail free" card, best stay home and play Monopoly.


Well-known member
Was stopped a few month ago in mi. I was going 80 in construction zone that was 60. He gave me a impeding traffic ticket. After he he made out the ticket he told my I should start carring my S W 38 with laser grips. Just thought it was odd, like, does he know something I don't.
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