So, let's compile what we've learned so far. An LEO could pull you over and make you a criminal for a defective tail light. That gives him authority to search the vehicle. He finds your locked and secured weapon (does he force the lock?) and now you're Public Enemy #1. What to do, what to do? How about those of use from states that allow their citizens to carry avoid states that don't. Example: I'm from Michigan, with Michigan plates on the vehicle. Driving through NY or CA, as an example, the LEO's know that Michigan is a right-to-carry state. That makes me potential easy pickings for any minor infraction to net them some quick revenue and bigger charges, so they pull me over for a burnt marker lamp. Maybe they'll start requiring interstate passports.
If they don't reciprocate, I won't visitate. Too many other places to go and things to see in states that don't have their heads up their tailpipes.