Well-known member
Even with a weapon........I have not met the Wal Mart parking lot that I feel safe in, and that's during the day.....Let alone at night!!
Even with a weapon........I have not met the Wal Mart parking lot that I feel safe in, and that's during the day.....Let alone at night!!
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6...I carry.
HEY! We're Wal-martians and proud of it!And what about the Wal-martians inside?
Don't worry :angel:Don't park next to me.
That is called a "red herring" by some or "straw man" by others in rational debates.Better to have a weapon and never need it than to not have one and need it. Been there and done that.
well one can glean what they want from the "red herring" or "straw man" definitions. However, the assertion of those who use that clique is that there is no other argument against carrying a fire arm. I think it is a good debate to have, without the distraction of cliques, red herrings, one liners, over simplification or straw man. Those who choose to carry fire arms should be aware of the laws, tactical advantages/disadvantages and safety. I seriously doubt many have considered those aspects and have the appropriate licenses/documentation and training to have and use fire arms. I have never found the need to carry a weapon for self defense-- even though I have the training and experience to do so. If a criminal wants to kill/rob you, the odds are that they are going to do that and there is not much you can do about it-- other than carry a loaded pistol all the time and no hesitation to take another persons life.Here's a link to an explanation of "red herring" and "strawman". Big Al and Donna's comment was on the central point. Calling it a "red herring" was actually a good use of a "red herring" to sidetrack the discussion. And I'm guilty of helping you by pointing this out.
I carry with my permits thru most of the country. I am trained, practice often and am responsible. If, and that is IF I need a weapon it is because I have no other option available to avoid or end a threat. I have had a gun stuck in my face TWICE in my life. It is not a feeling I ever want to experience again! I will defend myself and my family to all means necessary. If it means shooting the bad guy it is his fault, not mine.
As far as what weapon to carry that is a personal choice. I choose a concealable handgun with two extra magazines. My wife does as well.
There is NO SAFE area anywhere in this world anymore. I don't care where you live, travel to or just plain pass thru. The world is a different place then it was 20 years ago and I don't think anyone, with half a brain can argue that point!