I can't believe some of the stuff I have read on here that some of you are buying into. Synthetic oils do not protect better than conventional, PERIOD. Show me one catastrophic failure due to not using synthetic oil. As far as extended drain intervals, it's not a good idea on HEUI fuel systems. The injectors are driven off of the oil, so extending past 5k miles, severe use or not, is asking for trouble. Any Ford tech that tells you different does not understand these fuel systems. It would do most people well to look on over at BITOG and get really educated before making blanket statements about oil that they read somewhere at a dealer while paying ridiculous prices to get their oil changed. El cheapo brands are no better than the most expensive brand or they wouldn't be on the shelf to begin with. If anyone knew some history, some of those pricier brands were terrible due to the additives and protectants that are in the oil. Walmart Supertech 15w-40 is going to protect just as well as Rotella 15w-40. I ran it on my last diesel before my current truck for 375k miles. I even had a few analysis done through Blackstone who told me to keep running the current lube! Did I ever have an engine failure or any other oil related failure? NO....my point is, let go of the myths and look at reality and the facts. Last I checked, which was yesterday, a diesel engine oil change with synthetic is way beyond cost effective. JMHO, but an accurate one. Synthetics are a waste of money unless one does dual filtration, analysis, and extended drain intervals, but again, it has to be a long time before the cost savings outweigh the benefits of good conventional oil and 5k mile OCIs. If one wants to go syn and waste the money, that is their American God-given right, but don't try to convince me that it's better or is going to provide better service. That simply is not the truth.
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Just one of many reasons why no one touches my truck but me...and I mean NO ONE.