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  1. scottyb

    DRV Full House

    OK thanks. Although I have a FB account. I'm not fond of using it, especially as a forum. I had a great experience here 10+ years ago and hoped that since Heartland acquired DRV there would be some activity here. I used this forum as an investigative tool before I purchased my previous Cyclone...
  2. scottyb

    DRV Full House

    Hello everyone. I am a former Heartland owner and possibly a future owner again. I am looking at the DRV Full House toy hauler and happened to notice on the sticker that it is manufactured by Heartland RV. I was hoping to find some information about them here. Are there any owners participating...
  3. scottyb

    Dually v.s. Single rear wheel for towing stability.

    Having towed the same 5th wheel with SRW for significant miles, then later with a DRW, there is no comparison in stability. However, I think the only reason to own a DRW is because you really need it. It cost 50% more for tires, has issues with car washes and other drive-throughs, and is...
  4. scottyb

    I got got

    dom1nation, sorry for your troubles. Maybe because the tires are no longer used and most of the others have already been replaced, you landed in a void of information. When we bought our Cyclone in 2012, Towmax was very much at the forefront, and I had the benefit of reading numerous reports of...
  5. scottyb

    Meet Kaylah

    ...... and maybe the patio too, after she's big enough not to squeeze through the cracks. What a beauty.
  6. scottyb

    How to add a little bleach to the fresh water holding tank

    Pour it in the water hose near your hose bib. If you have a whole house filter, you may have to remove the element.
  7. scottyb

    Upgraded parking pad for my Heartland Wilderness

    Yes, but as you well know in Texas, I would have to cool it or I couldn't stand to be in there 6 months out of the year.
  8. scottyb

    Upgraded parking pad for my Heartland Wilderness

    We went with 14' eves and a 4:12 pitch. This gives me the ability to do work up on the roof in the shade.
  9. scottyb

    Upgraded parking pad for my Heartland Wilderness

    That is about the coolest RV parking spot I have seen. Where is it located? - - - Updated - - - Probably about 16' minimum. If you want room to move around, then 18' is better. Remember that the advertised dimensions are outside. Post, beams, etc. reduce the overall space.
  10. scottyb

    Have a solar setup in mind. Thought I'd pass it by my new Heartland family for opinions.

    Yessir it was. I think the previous owner would have done better with AGM's. I hope to never let the corrosion get that bad. Bill, you are right. That thought never crossed my mind. I was just trying to keep the factory setup as closely as possible due to cable lengths. The original six...
  11. scottyb

    Have a solar setup in mind. Thought I'd pass it by my new Heartland family for opinions.

    Hello rsg1963. That is a pretty impressive sytem you are planning for your 5th wheel, at least on the storage and inverter side. I assume you have already planned the space required and weight involved for the 6 T-105's? I was barely able to squeeze 4 6V batteries into the Cyclone 4100 generator...
  12. scottyb

    Diesel Aux and main tanks

    Wow! I didn't know the MDT's carried that much fuel. My range is only 900-1100 miles @ 150 gal. I rarely go over 500-600 because of the generator. I have had an RDS gravity tank in my 07 Chevy and the 65 gal Titan replacement in my 2013 F350 . Titan replacement wins hands down, but at a cost...
  13. scottyb

    My 4200 Custom Full Body Paint Job

    Sure would like to see that custom paint job. I would really like to have an RV without all the graphics. I'm wondering why the graphics are so unanimous across all brands of RV's. Is it customer demand or is there a logistical reason for it?
  14. scottyb

    What do y'all do with your Golf Carts?

    I fought this battle every time I took the Mule somewhere, in the Cyclone. In Big Bend NP, you can't ride it, even on the 4WD roads. They scolded me just for unloading it. I explained that I needed to in order to use the garage and patio while we were camping. Arizona and Utah are generally more...
  15. scottyb

    Thinking of everyone in Texas

    I saw a video of a couple RV's floating down the Guadalupe River under the I-35 bridge in New Braunfels. They never said where they came from but I'm hoping they were from a dealer and not a RV park. We had more rain in a single day than we have ever had. I dumped a total of 6.3" yesterday. This...
  16. scottyb

    Xantrex vs Magnum with Progressive

    I can only speak for Magnum for it's durability and their customer service. My ME3100 is going on 9 years old. It is a MSW, but still runs all the electronics and residential fridge very well. My current AGS-N is not compatible with the ME-RC remote and does not network, but it does function as...
  17. scottyb

    Visit to MORryde = empty bank account (pic heavy)

    The only Con I can think of is that you can't access as much of your stuff from both sides. The two way tray slides out 60% in both directions. One of the Pros for having two trays is that many of the basement doors are not exactly lined up straight across with each other. You can see the offset...
  18. scottyb

    Visit to MORryde = empty bank account (pic heavy)

    Nice looking rock solid improvements to the undercarriage. You are going to love the sliding trays. They appear to reduce your storage space, but they actually increase it by making it more accessible. You will have immediate access to everything in the middle without having to drag stuff out to...
  19. scottyb

    We ordered our Cyclone 4200 yesterday!!!

    They are Airedale Terriers. Rooster and Dagny. The loved the garage and patio.
  20. scottyb

    Where to camp in Dallas Nov 6-9, 2015?

    Re: Dallas Nov 6-9 No kidding. That was some bad flooding back in May. We got iced-in for three days at Vineyards back in Feb. The water level was pretty low then as you can see in the photo.
  21. scottyb

    Where to camp in Dallas Nov 6-9, 2015?

    Re: Dallas Nov 6-9 Good choice. Trader's Village is very convenient. My aunt and uncle have been staying there for about 5 years to be near thier grand baby. I stopped over to see them one night. It was a little tight getting the 4100 in there but we managed. For future reference, another...
  22. scottyb

    Introducing the 2017 Ford Super duty

    Nice video. It's nice to see the chassis. Kind of answers the obvious 1st question that comes up. I'm glad to see them use some of the weight savings in adding more beef. I really like the look. My only question is "can you tow them 4 down"?
  23. scottyb

    SOLVED: Power From Pole Problems (bad breaker)

    Re: Power From Pole Problems By starting the generator and successfully running everything, you have ruled out any issues downstream from the ATS. If the source checks out good on both legs, time to open the ATS, and check incoming and outgoing voltages. Meter from Hot to Neutral.
  24. scottyb

    Fuel pump operation?

    There is a button on the control panel inside you Cyclone, near the fuel gauge. It activates a timer for the pump for 15 min then shuts off. Once you push the button, a red LED illuminates and you can start the pump.
  25. scottyb

    Views From Your Campsite

    Beautiful! Love to see the aspens turning. We will miss them this year but saw a bunch last year.
  26. scottyb

    Truck brakes

    Could be but I sold my 07 Chevy with 186K and it still had the original brakes. Of course it never pulled anything until after it already had 175K mi, when I bought the Cyclone.
  27. scottyb

    Introducing the 2017 Ford Super duty

    That's precisely what I've been told by a service manager. He showed me one they were replacing on a 3 month old truck. I believe he said it was $700 at the time a few years ago.
  28. scottyb

    Truck brakes

    I'm saying that if you own a 2015 or later Ford super Duty, the exhaust brake really works now and will help the service brakes last longer. 2013's not so.
  29. scottyb

    Slide toppers for a Landmark 365

    I think the biggest consideration is what look do you want. White is going to stand out and contrast. Black is going to be more obscure. The key is the air gap between the topper and the slide will prevent any significant heat transfer.
  30. scottyb

    Truck brakes

    I had to replace front pads at 58K (12K TOWING) on my F350 DRW. It was a 2013 and the exhaust brake function was non-existent. I think those of you with the 2015 Fords or later should do much better with the new exhaust braking system. I have seen an "independent test" that showed Ford's new...
  31. scottyb

    Phantom voltage from frame to ground

    I experienced this. It started as a tingle and became a jolt on wet ground. Take it seriously.
  32. scottyb

    RV park reviews

    With the Cyclone I used to also look at Google Earth and to find a site where we could use the patio. Try to get as much information as possible.
  33. scottyb

    Views From Your Campsite

    Duane, is that a standard configuration on your golf cart? I knew the back seat folded on some but wasn't sure if it made a level bed surface. They look pretty comfy back there. I can no longer take my Mule with me but bought the F150 with 6 1/2' bed to carry a golf cart in back.
  34. scottyb

    New member and generator question

    A buit-in generator without a fuel cell has to run on propane. This becomes a problem for extended use. It is much easier to fill gas cans than propane bottles.
  35. scottyb

    RV park reviews

    +1. Reviews can be very subjective. You can usually pick out the complainers and rule them out as outliers.
  36. scottyb

    Could there be no inverter in a 2011 Sundance?

    Rickylynne, you need 120V to watch your TV. That can come in the form of electrical hookup, a generator, or inverted power. Inverted power requires that you have the storage capacity (batteries) to provide 12V power to the inverter, to sustain for a specified amount of time (your choice). Then...
  37. scottyb

    2014 Cyclone 4100 King

    Nice rig and nice campgrounds. Enjoy your 4100. She's a beauty.
  38. scottyb

    New Cyclone 4250 released!

    Woo Hoo! A side patio, a kitchen slide, 1-1/2 bath, huge garage, and a king bed you can walk around. Problem solved.
  39. scottyb


    I agree. Even 4 6V is going to be marginal without a generator.